"Where did you hear that?" Damien asked, he sounded suspicious.

I looked at Axel for help, but he just grinned at me. Did he set it up?

Is this it? Is this how Damien finds out?

My phone started ringing and it broke the tension in the room. It was Kuya Martin calling from the US. My older brother sure does have the best timing in the world.

"I need to take this." I told no one in particular as I stood up with my phone. "Look after my bag." I told Axel with all seriousness.

It took a lot of strength for me to walk out of the room. My knees felt week and my legs were like jello because of nervousness. My heart was pounding so fast and loud as well.

My conversation with Kuya Martin over the phone didn't last long. His hearing was about to start and he just called to ask me to wish him luck. It was a ritual of his he says that it was his lucky charm, and that he would surely win his case if I wish him luck.

For a lawyer, he's overly superstitious.

I was about to go back when I saw Elisse down the stairs, she was with a friend and they were both holding a Starbucks paper bag.

"What are you going to do with that freshman? Are you really going to let Damien be his personal chef? Not to mention, he is next door neighbours with Damien." Elisse's friend asked her. "If you're not careful, he'll get closer to Damien. Closer than you are."

"Nothing... yet." Elisse replied, sounding confident. "He's not a threat for now. Damien is not into guys, I'm pretty sure about that." I already know that, but it still hurts hearing it. It just made me realize even more how distant of a dream it was to be with Damien. "Besides, Damien seems to dislike the kid. If he becomes an obstacle between me and Damien, though, I won't let him go. I still haven't forgotten how he snubbed me."

Won't let me go? What are you going to do? Hah! Don't make me laugh.

Her friend laughed. "You better go back there, you don't want them to think that you were slacking off."

Elisse left out a sigh as she took the paper bag from her friend. "That org is tedious. I prefer if we really go to culinary trip, but they're too focused on feeding programs. If Damien isn't an active member, I would have left ages ago." She complained.

Axel is right, she is turning out to be a real bitch.

Elisse got back to the org room a few moments after me. She was all smiles as she carried the two paper bags filled with iced coffee all by herself.

"Everyone must be tired, so I got iced coffee for you guys." She said.

"You shouldn't have." Jacob said as he helped Elisse carry the bags immediately.

She took one cup of iced coffee, placed a straw on it and the then handed it to Damien. "Here you go. You like coffee, right?" She asked with a modest smile.

"Thanks." Damien replied, his tone was dry.

"What a fake..." I whispered.

"Easy there..." Axel leaned closer. "What did she do now?" He asked lowly.

Even before I could reply, Elisse approached us and offered us coffee. I stared at her blankly for a while. "Not interested. I'd rather have tea." I replied flatly.

"I'll pass too." Axel said as he continued lettering the banner.

"That's a nice bag you there." Elisse commented, probably trying to dial down her embarrassment. "Where did you get it?" Why was she making small talk with me?

Seize the Miracle, Capture your Love [BoyxBoy]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant