Ch 15

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"I'm so... Board do you want to do anything." I shouted from my room.

"No call one of your friends over oh wait you got non." Joseph shouted probably from his room.

"I have many friends actually I'll call one over right now because we have to do a project anyway." I shouted back.

"Okay... Don't care." Is the only response he could come up with. Ha.

I got out my phone ready to call Carter to come over for the project.
I put in his number and pressed call.

"Hello whos this." He asked.

"It's Diana, I was wondering if your not busy if you want to come over to do the project." I asked while going to my closet to get a huddie.

"Yeah, sure I'll be over in a bit."

"Okay, you have my address right."
I asked.

"Yeah I do see you later bye."


I hung up my phone and put it on my dresser and got my purple huddie that my friends from America gave me before I left. It had all of their names on it so I would never forget them.

I do call them once in awhile but it's not same and two of them are coming to visit for the Halloween break which is in three weeks.

My thoughts were broken by a shout from down stairs. " Hey Diana did you invite someone for a project."

I got up and groaned. "Ya I did is he there."

"Yeah come on." He shouted up.

I knew he wouldn't mind Carter with me cause he did ask him to bring me home one time and he did know his older brother.

I ran halfway down the stairs and waved my hand for Carter to follow me back up.

"Come on Carter we'll get started on the science project and Max can you be the best brother and make us coffee please.... "
I begged him while fluttering my lashes.

"Ya sure how you like your coffee cart." He asked as we ran up the stairs.

"Black." He shouted down to him.

I ran to my room and slammed the door open jumping to the floor and Carter sitting across from me.

"So what do you want to start first." I asked getting my books from my bag and dragging them beside me on the floor.

"Um... I don't know but we should get the notes done before we do the poster." He said getting his bag beside him and getting his own books.

We were working on the notes and just chatting for a few minutes when Max bursted open the door and Carter let out a scream but I didn't cause I was used to this way too much.

Max looked at the both of us and then smiled. "I got your coffee." He shouted.

He handed us the coffee and left the room probably to go to Joseph's room and annoy him so he can't finish his homework.

I took a sup from my coffee and sat it down beside me. "Uh... I'm really confused on what to do I have most of the notes down but I cant understand something's."

For the next few hours we talked about the project and other things before his mom called and he had to go home.

"Well I'll see at school tomorrow, bye Diana." He said before walking out the door and shutting it.

I went to the kitchen and felt really hungry. I really feel like having some pie for some reason.

I went to the kitchen table and there in all it's Glory was an apple pie and some custard beside it.

My mom was in the kitchen too and she saw me eyeing the pie and smiled at me.

"Here have some." She handed me a plate, fork and knife.

"Thanks your the best." I told her and kissed her on the forehead.

"No problem." She said.

I sliced some pie out and placed it on my plate and put the custard on it and went over to the microwave.

"So Mama when's dad coming back again cause he's been taking a lot of trips back and forth but I haven't seen him in so long." I asked as I placed my plate in the microwave.

"Um... He's actually coming next week for two weeks and then he's going back to work." She said as she got a glass from the press.

"Cool then he can come to my ballet recital." I remember Miss Kelly telling us about a ballet recital in the next two weeks but she said she would explain everything next week.

"Oh yes how was your ballet."
She asked.

"It was good... "

"Diana you know you can tell me anything what is it."

"Mom it's nothing please."
I really didn't want this conversation.

"Honey I know somethings wrong and I know it's hard with out them and her but remember she's always here."
My mom came over to me and rubbed my back in comfort.


"MAX where are you." I shouted

Suddenly I heard loud foot steps and my bed room door was slammed open. "What is it Diana." He asked with consern.

Aw.. I wish he would always be this nice to me well that's why dreams never come true.

"Max can you drive me to the shop I need to pick up a few things."
I asked with my sweetest voice cause I knew he was tired and it was getting late.

"Uh... Your luckily I love you, what do you want." He groaned.

"Yes let's go."
I got up but he stopped me.

"It's late your not going anywhere I'll get it just write a list and I'll get them."

Well even better more sleep for me.
I went to my desk and got a page from my note book and wrote down a few things for him to get.

"Here be back soon and thanks your the best." I gave him a kiss on the forhead and a quick hug.

"See you later pip." He said walking out of my room.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and byee 💕💓

Word count 1035

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