Ch 2

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My first lesson was geography, and I sat in the middle row, on the right, next to the wall.

I was reading the chapter in my textbook to make sure I wasn't behind on anything because I hadn't been to school in a month or two. I got my earphones in and was listening to Birdy's 'what about angeles.' I know depressing , but its the current mood.

I noticed someone standing beside me out of the corner of my eye and turned to take out my headphones.

When I looked up, I noticed He had unkempt brown hair that was just cut. I enjoy the sensation of newly trimmed hair and frequently rub the backs of my brothers' heads when theyd cut theirs, they hated it. 

"You're sitting in my chair." 

Is everyone here born an asswhole?

"whatever." I was going to stand up and walk away when a hand rested on my shoulder.

"No it's fine I'll just sit beside you." He said this while pushing out the chair next to me.

what a weirdo.

I put my headphones back on and resumed my studies. Until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. When I turned around, the boy had a wide grin on his face. It honestly took me by surprise because he truly looked dead only a few moments ago, so I took my headphones off again and was irritated.

"are you alright?"

"I didn't get your name," he remarked, leaning back in his chair and looking me over.

"Um.. it's Diana Sawyer, yours?"

"It's Josh Durbyson, are you related to the Sawyer brothers cause I never new they had a sister are you like their cousin or something."

I was now questioning to myself if I was really that invisible.
"Ya I am their sister just not as gifted as them I guess." 

My brothers were regularly winning trophies in sports back in England. So they were offered quite a few scholarships while we were planning on moving here to California, and they were even on TV since it became such a huge deal here in the States.

We also have a lot of family here, so it's not a surprise that most of the students knew about my brothers, we came a couple of times during summers and they were always little socialites. 

Then there was me, but I was intelligent, perhaps even brighter because I wasn't distracted by all these sports. But I believe I have some creative talent. I believe I can sing and draw because my brothers think I am good, but I doubt it and believe they are tricking me. They did tell me to audition for X-Factor, and I was but I chickened out.

I was interrupted by going any further into my thoughts when a hand was waving in front of my face and then I heared my name as I was brought back to reality.

"Diana, hello Diana you there, hey are you okay."

"Oh ya I'm fine just thinking about something."

"What were you thinking about."


"Well as I was saying until you were dazing off in your little world, i dont believe you dont have a gift. everyone has one, its just your willingness to show it off"

"Oh no I don't have-." I was cut off.

"Don't believe ya."


It was lunch and the boys promised to meet me at my locker cause they knew I wouldn't have made any friends yet so I could stay with them and if they made friends I could meet them to.

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