Ch 20

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I have no idea what I'm doing here I should go home. I got up from the bench ready to walk home when I heard some people on the other side of the street.

I ran quickly over to a tree and hid behind it just in case that those boys weren't the nicest and I wasn't going to risk my safety.

I looked from behind the tree to take a peek. It was two boys they had large back packs and they looked like they were homeless their clothes were in terrible condition and they had big Woolley hats covering there messy hair.

They were also around my age and I kinda felt bad for them.

When they were walking by I tried to get a better look at them when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I let out a scream and jumped back in fear. I was now out in the open and I could tell the boys that were on the other side of the street were looking at what was happening.

I looked straight at the stupid boy that scared me and gave him a glare.

"Hey sorry but I came to check up on you so... You okay." Josh asked.

"Look I'm fine I was just going home, okay." I snapped at him taking a step back.

When I snapped at Josh I was loud so the two boys heard and shouted at us.

"Hey is he bothering you cause we'll call someone." One of the boys said.

They must of thought he was some bad guy on the street or something.

"Ya were good." I shouted back as I turned around.

I faced the other side of the street and got a good look at the two boys.
I was in so much shock when I finally saw the two boys faces in the light.

My eyes started to tears up I knew I regonised that voice.

I wasn't thinking or knowing what I was doing but I ran, I ran towards them.

I heard them shouting my name to stop as I did but I didn't care I wanted to get to them I didn't want to lose them or for them to leave me again not a second time I just found them.

But then a sharp pain hit the side of me and everything from there went black.

------JOSH POV-----

"DIANA, DIANA STOP THERES A CAR!!" I shouted but she wasn't listening she just kept running.

And then it happened the car hit the side of her and she would have fell under the wheels if the driver didn't stop.

I wanted to look away but I couldn't.
I saw the two boys she was trying to run to and they were in tears as they ran to her.

I ran over to her and I didn't know what to do So I called her brothers, friends and her parents. When I was done the drive got out of his car.

He looked at me and then at Diana he had so much shock in his face that if this was not happening I would have started to laugh.

He told us he was going to call an ambulance.

I went back over to Diana and kneeled beside her. The two boys were in front of me on the other side of her.

I wanted to pick her up but I knew if she had any broken bones it would just make it worse.

I kept staring at her in disbelief like how could this be happening.

I looked up to the boys.
"How do you know her." That was the main question in my mind.

There tears weren't as bad now cause I saw there hand was on her chest  checking if her heart beat was still there and so she was still breathing.

"Um... If she didn't tell you then we can't if we do were both dead." One of the boys said.

A few minutes past and we could hear an ambulance. We also heard two cars speeding down the road. It came to a stop near us and all of her family came out.

Lucas was there too so he must have came back from school today.

Diana's mom wasn't there so she must have been in the other car with some of her friends as all of them could not fit in one car.

Her three brothers came over first and worry was in bold writing on there face.

But when they saw the two boys confusion and anger was on there faces.

"What are you doing here." Max asked.

"We were just walking by and we saw her and just a car came by... I miss you ." One of the boys said in a ramble as he looked stressed.

There were more lights now and I could see the faces of the two boys better and they looked really alike I think there twins.

"Well I missed you but Diana she misses you alot and dad oh.. hes going to murder the two of you.
You where gone for at least three months now. What are you thinking."
Max gave out to them rambling about different things.

I had no idea what was going on but all I knew for now that Diana was going to be okay as the paramedics arrived.


I sat on the floor of her hospital room just waiting for her to wake up.

The doctor said that she was okay that there was no damage to the head just a broken leg and arm on her left side as that's the side she got hit on.

In the room their was only aloud around four people unless you where really close family.

So there were six people in the room.
Me, the three brothers and the twins from earlier and from what I heard of there names are Martin and David.

"The doctor said she would wake up soon and her friends are out side still I'll tell them they can go back to the house." Lucas said to Martin and David.

He then left the room to let the boys home. He came back after a few minutes and went to stand beside Max.

They gave each other a look as they looked at Martin and David.

"Okay guys can you please tell me what's going on and who's these two." I said as I got up off the floor to walk over to Max and Lucas but stopped suddenly.

She was waking up.

She started to move a small bit as she sat up off the bed.

We all ran over to her. "Okay relax and don't talk just be calm." Max said in a worried voice.

"Max you calm down and... Where are we." She asked confused. But then stared straight at the two boys as if they were a ghost.

"OMG it wasn't a dream your really here omg are you guys hurt, are you okay omg." She laughs a small bit which I thought was a bit strange.

" I got hit by a car didn't I. But omg your here your really here, come here." She rambled on.

"Diana calm down relax you have to calm yourself you just woke up from surgery." One of the twins said and I couldn't tell if it was Martin or David as I didn't know which was which yet.

"I'm sorry. Can you please come here and give me a hug." She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Okay but where doing a bear hug." They both said at the same time.

"I don't care suffocate me in the hug I just want you here, omg I missed you two so much." She said as the two boys gave her a big hug and then both pleased a big sloppy kiss on a cheek each as they were on opposite sides of her.

"Omg tweedle dumb, tweedle dumber what did I say about sloppy joes." She gave out to them but with a big smile on her face but as she looked around the room her face dropped as she saw my face.

"FAMILY GROUP HUG." Max suddenly shouted and all the boys except me hugged Diana and that's when I realized something strange.

He said 'family group hug' what dose that mean.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and all the drama and it's going to be even worse next chapter so good luck.

Word count 1421

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