Ch 5

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I was sitting in the living room watching TV when the door bell rang.
I whined and slowly got up out of my very comfortable sit on the couch.

I opened the door to see hazel eyes staring back at me.

Josh Derbyson.

I looked at him confused.
What the hell is he doing here on a Sunday at like 11 in the morning.
I wanted to shut the door in his face and go back to watching my movies and getting fat.

"What are you doing at my house and how did you get my address." I said in a tired, crispy voice.

"Well hello to you too, princess."
He said with a bright grin.

How could he be so happy and awake it's so early in the morning is he not tired. Wait did he just call me princess what is happening this morning.

"Well sorry, Hello and good morning."
I put a small smile on my face and when I finish talking I went straight back to my dead lifeless stare.

"So get to the point why are you here, how do you know where I live and if you where going to come to my place don't ever come at this time again because it's movie marathon time."

He gave me an 'Are you serious look'
Like it was so obvious and I was being an idiot.

"What." I asked so innocently.

"You really don't remember do you."

"Remember what."
I am so confused what did I forget now I swear I have short term memory loss or something.

"It's Sunday today."

"Um... No it's not Sunday today it's Wednesday." I said sarcastically.

"Um.... Remember ballet."

"OMG, why did you wait so long to tell me you idiot I have to get ready."
I slapped him in the shoulder for not telling me sooner.

I ran back into the house running up the stairs and shouting down at him.
"You can come in just close the door."

"Okay." He yelled back up to me.

When I changed in to my ballet gear and my perfect little bun on the top of my head and my shoes in a bag I came down stairs to the kitchen.

When I came in I saw my brother Lucas sitting on one end of the table and Josh right across from him.
Lucas was staring him down with his light brown eyes now dark with anger for some reason, but mostly confusion.

Me and my two brothers Maxwell and Josephine shared green eyes like my my mother's. While Lucas shared light brown eyes like my father.

Wait why was Lucas here isn't he supposed to be in college.

"Lucas... Not that I love you here but why are you here."

"Oh hay little sis I didn't see you there and I have no classes for the next few days so I came home, don't worry I called mama to tell her I was here."
He said getting up and slinging an arm around my neck and leaning on me.

"So who's this." He asked pointing towards Josh.

"Oh he's a friend from school he's going to drop me off at ballet."

"Ballet, I thought you stopped a few months ago." He questioned me with a confused look and a bit of shock.

"Ya I did stop, but the two rats told me to do it because they say I'm getting fat but-." He cut me off already knowing what I was going to say.

"You can't get fatter then you already are." And we all started laughing even Josh who was trying not to fall of his chair.

"Anyway I have to go see you later."
I said and gesturing for Josh to get off his bum and leave.

"Okay." Josh said taking my duffle bag from around my neck and leaving out the door into his older brothers car.

"Hold up." He put his hands up to stop me. "Your going into a car with two boys and you didn't tell any of us."
He meant by him.

"Um.. ya but Max and Joseph know and I'm not a kid I'm sixteen and if we were older i would be with one boy because then Josh could drive us there."

I didn't know anything about Josh's brother because he didn't take about him a lot only that he's old enough to drive and that his name is Henry.
But I trusted them I think.

"Oh no your not, I can drive you- ." He explained.

I cut him off having a better idea.
"Look you can come too. Just don't say your coming because you don't trust them that would be rude, okay."

"Okay that's fine with me but what will I say." He said slinging an arm around my shoulder and walking out the door.

"Um... Just say that you want to watch me dance cause you haven't seen me do ballet in like forever."


Sorry I haven't posted in so long but as I said my wify was cut off and ya.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and while the wify was out I wrote a few chapters already so I'll try update them as soon as possible.

Word count 874

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