Ch 7

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Finally the week is over.
I walked out skipping with joy.

I had to wait outside the school for April cause we were going to April's house for the sleepover.
I'm with Aisling waiting for April.

"Uhh why she always late." I grumbled out in annoyince.

"I know but she'll be here any minute now just wait." And she was right she came out a few minutes later.

We went into April's mom's car. Me and Aisling sat in the back while April sat in the front with her mom.

"Thanks Miss Mersath." I said putting on my sit belt.

"No worries kids and don't call me that it sounds so formal just call me Charlie."

"Okay Charlie." I said testing out her name. It suited her she looked like she must have been a really cute baby because I just had that idea that Charlie is... you know a name for really cute baby's.

She was driving down the road when she asked. "So Diana is it."

I responded with a hum.

"Nice name, and I really like your accent is it American."

"Ya it is, I just moved here a few months ago." I said.

"I'm sorry for being a bit curious but if you moved here a few months ago then why did you just come to school around two weeks ago." She asked stopping at a red light and turning around to see my response.

I looked into her bright blue eyes they looked darker then April's and her blonde hair in a high messy bun. She looked at me with soft eyes trying to scan my face as if it would answer her question.

But I was speechless I didn't know what to tell her if I should lie but I had a feeling some how she would know if I did even if we just met.

"Um... There was a family emergency."
I said quickly and I hope I said it so fast that they didn't hear me. I looked at the ground feeling there eyes burn into me.

"Oh.. honey I am so sorry for asking I didn't know." She said patting my leg.
She turned around to see the light turn green and started driving once again.

It was silent for a bit when Aisling turned to face me. She was going to ask the question that was in every one's head.

"Is that the reason why you moved here."
She asked a bit unsure of my response.

I hesitated to answer. "Ya." I said quietly but they all heard me loud and clear.

When we got to April's house we had some dinner and talked like the conversation in the car never happened which I was happy about.
It's just I didn't want to answer anymore questions.

After eating we went to April's room and put a load of blankets, matresses and pillows on the floor and we were going to put a movie on when a pillow hit the back of my head.

I slowly turned around with a blank stare. Aisling just started a war that I'm going to finish.

When April saw me and Aisling pick up a pillow each she jumped to the ground and grabbed a pillow to take cover.

This was going to be a fun night I thought.


The next morning we were in the sitting room eating waffles and milk shakes. We were watching TV and playing music.

April turned down the music and pause the TV. When she did we turned to her to see if she needed to tell us something.

She was looking down at her phone for a minute. when she looked back up at us she asked.
"Guys is it okay if a few people come over."

"Ya why not the more the merrier."
Aisling said excitedly. It was kinda hard to know that she was shy because she warmed up to us so quickly.

"Okay they'll be here in a few minutes." And just when April said that there was a knock on the door.

We all purked up in Surprise.
Where they here already. Oh dear I hope there isn't a lot of them.

April got up to get the door and I heard some talking and then she came back and flopped on to the couch.

Behind her were two boys and a girl, thank the Lord only three people. The girl flopped beside April.

The two boys sat on the floor. I didn't see who they were at first but when the two of them turned to face straight at me they just looked at me with there blue and hazel eyes.

Carter Baker and Josh Derbyson.

Well this is a surprise. But at least I know them that takes a lot of stress of my shoulders.

But their just sitting there staring at me what the hell are they doing.
"H- hey guys um... Nice to see you."

"Hey." They both said at the same time.

"Oh guys this is Robin." She pointed to the girl beside her. She had long brown hair and her eyes were a light blue. "She's my cousin she'll be here till Sunday."

Just when she was introducing her cousin Charlie came in the room.
When she saw her niece her face lit up.

"Robin I didn't know when you were going to be here how was your flight."
Charlie asked excitedly.

Wait her flight were dose she live. She must be tired.

"So how is California." Well there's my answer.

"Oh it's great so warm and my mom is loving the new change in scenery."
She said.

"Oh yes, how is my little sister is she doing great." As she was talking she took are dirty plates and wiped the small table in the middle of there living room.

"She's doing great just a lot of work."
Robin answered.

"Hope she's not over doing it and take care of her too okay." She walked out of the room with all the plates in her hands.

"I will don't worry." Robin shouted to her from the other room.

"So where are we going." Carter asked getting up and leaning on the side of the couch.

"We're going to a park." April answer very excitedly.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you found a little piece to the puzzle because there is a little hit in this chapter and it's very visible so good luck.

Word count 1083

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