Ch 10

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Me and Josh were watching TV when Lucas came running into the room.

"Hey Diana get ready for ballet were going in a few minutes." He said plopping himself on one of the couches.

"Okay." I got up running up the stairs into my room.

When I came into my room I nearly fell to the floor. There are things everywhere it was like a bom exploded in here.

I tieded up my room before changing into my gear and I was trying to get my bun together but it wouldn't work.

"Maxwell I need help." I screemed at the top of my lungs.

"What's wrong I'm here." He said running in the door.

He looked at me and then relised what I wanted. "Can you not seriously do your own bun like you did it last week."

"Oh please you make the buns way better than me." I pledded.

"That's because I had to do your hair for like nine years." He crossed his arms.

"That's because I was little and that means you've had more practice, please." I came over to him and started shaking him and saying 'please' over and over again.

"Okay, okay I'll do your hair here sit down and hold the boby pins for me."


When I came down Josh and Lucas were getting ready to get in the car.
I put my Snickers on as fast as possible and ran out the door passing Josh and saying "shot gun."

When I said those words his eyes widened and tried to catch up with me. But I was to fast and by the time he got to the car I was putting me seat belt on.

I may be small but because of all my brothers there's a lot of competition and they give me all the exercise I need.

Josh got into the car and his face looked so confused. "What- how you so fast."

"Its what I get with a lot of brothers."

"Can I ask a question."

"Ya sure ask away."

"Why are you so short I mean not in a mean way but your brothers are tall as hell and even your mom is tall is your dad short." He asked taking a sup of his drink he must have gotten by my mom on the way out.

"Oh my dad he's tall as well it's just when I was born I was very premature so my growth isnt as good as my brothers so I could have been tall." I said.

He sat back in his seat taking in what I just told him.


I got to the ballet studio and there were a lot of people today.

I was warming up doing some stretches when Josh and Lucas came in. I glared at them wanting them to get out.

I walked over to them pulling them down to my hight. "I said to wait in the car." I said in a Stern voice.

"Okay I know that you hate people watching you dance but come on it's just us and we'll be quite, promise." He said trying to make a cute face and he his voice high like a little girl.

"Okay." I gave in because are teacher came in and I just wanted this class over with anyway and had no time to argue.

"Okay class I'm Miss Kelly for anyone new. Now can everyone line up and....." And that's all I remember.

After the class the car ride was quite we dropped Josh off at his house on are way home.

I was looking out the window watching the houses disappear in a blurr.

Lucas broke the silence with consern in his voice. "You okay."

"Ya why." I asked shifting my body towards him.

"You seemed different when you were dancing, like you were missing something." He said glancing at me worry in his eyes.

"It's just different dancing without them always being there." I let out a long sign.

"I know I miss her too but she wasn't always there when we were in America, but now she will." He put his hand on my back rubing me for comfort.

"I know she'll always be here and with us." I mumbled in a wishpere


"Diana where are you." Joseph shouted from somewhere in the house.

I shouted back. "I'm in the colour room."

The door busted open and he came running over to me. "I need help."

"I know you do." I said sarcastically trying to hold back my laughter.

"Ha, ha so funny but seriously I need help with something." He said taking a set next to me on the couch.

"Ya what is it."

"Can you teach me to play the piano."
He gave me some pages with notes on them. "You know these songs right."

"Ya I do but I thought you know how to play the piano." I asked looking through the notes.

"I do but I'm a bit stuck." He pointed to a few notes on the page which are hard to get.

"Ya sure." We got up and headed over to the piano in the corner of the room.

I sat down on one side of the chair and he sat beside me.

"Okay I'll play a bit of it and then you copy."



Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget to vote.

Hints :
I feel like I shouldn't be giving the
Hints away so I am no longer doing so... Good luck.

Word count 922

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