twenty one

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Daniel Pov

Me papa and dad gaped at the doctor, our argument ceased.
' is angel going to be alright?!'
I asked my voice breaking.
The doctor took a deep breath and consulted his clip board.
' angel is extremely young to be pregnant, an omegas body is usually ready for a healthy birth around 18'
We all waited for the doctor to continue.
' so birth would be extremely difficult for a sixteen years old, but it appears he's had a fall that's caused his body into a triggered early birth by the shock'
We all looked at each other, confusion and fear painting each of our faces.
'so is angel going to be alright?!'
Dad demanded anger still lacing his voice.
' we're getting ready to preform a c section right now'
The doctor asked to speak to dad amd papa privately for a moment.
I sat back down on the chair, anxiety and dread sinking into my body.
What if angel died?
All because of me?
I'm the one who got him pregnant!
I'm the one who told him to run away with me then he got sick!
I'm the one who wasn't there to take care of him when angel fell off the motel bed and lay on the floor bleeding...alone.
My anxiety fuled state canopy eyes to become blurry again with tears and my hands shake.
I can't lose him...I love him..

Jake Pov
Once the doctor had talked to me and Matt.
We returned to the waiting area where Daniel was hunched over crying his hart out as his twins being operated on at this very moment.
With tears of my own and shaking legs matt guided me over to the seat next to him.
Daniel looked up.
' isssss... Angel going to be alright?'
He whisperd.
I wanted to answer when my voice caught in my throat, and Matt answer for me.
' he's lost alot of blood, there trying to save him and the puppy as we speak'
Matts voice was still cold and harsh.
I squeezed his hand finding my voice through my sobbing, knowing my child is not only pregnant but possibly dieing as well as my granpup.
' don't take it out on him' I pleaded to matt knowing he's in alpha protection mode.
'take it out on him! HE GOT HIS TWIN PREGNANT! '
Daniel whimperd crying even more.
I stood up to my mate and future husband.
' shouting won't help! What's done is done!'
Matt looks at me in a mix of shame and surprise, I never shout at him unless I'm really angry and I am.
' I'm not saying what he's done is wrong, but he's just as worried as we are! So calm the fuck down!'
I threw myself back in my seat exhaustion washing over my stressed body, as matt stayed quiet clenching his fist.
Daniel hesitantly lay his head on my shoulder whispering ' thank you papa'
I placed a kiss on his tear stained face.
' I'm still mad at you Daniel, but we need to stay strong for angel'
Daniel nodded.
A sudden crash of doors before a disgruntled surgeon burst through the doors.
' you need to come quickly!'

Omg I'm leaving like every Chapter on a cliffhanger lol 😁
Sorry!!!! Next chap will be up soon xxxxxx
Vote and comment plz 😘

my family Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon