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Chubby levi pic for yall....so ducking CUTE! 😁

Matt Pov
'dad were home!'
Shit my kids are home! ( mental facepalm)
I'm struggling to cook with so much worry on my mind.
' do you want some help daddy? '
Angel asked tugging at my sleeve.
'ummmm.. Sure hun, you lay the table for me? '
Angel went to get the table wear.
' OMFG DADDDDDDD! U won't believe what happened today!'
Ouch, nina really is trying to make my headache worse.
' I didn't know honey what?' I said in the calmest father voice I had.
She took an excited breath,
' an actual person talked to me! Can you believe that!'
Daniel snorted. ' it isn't another invisible friend was it?'
Nina turned a deep shade of red.
' no it wasn't! '
Nina my most feisty pup and loudest, has always had trouble making friends even since play school she's never fitted in, I just hope one day she'll find a friend or someone to love.
A fight broke out between milly and Daniel, their incoherent shouting making it impossible to find the reason they were arguing.
'calm down!' I shouted, everyone went silent.
My mum walked in she scenced my distress.
'honey let me sort out the granpups and dinner, go check on jake'
She smiled taking the spatula out of my hand and sturring the curry I was making.
I nodded my thanks rushing upstairs to get away from my pups.
Once upstairs I knocked on our bedroom door, no answer.
'jake?' I called softy opening the door.
He still lay motionless wrapped in the duvet where I left him.
Carefully I sat on the edge of the bed and pressed my hand to his soft cheek.
Jakes eyes slowly opened, he looked exhausted from his collapse earlier on.
'hey....' he whisperd, his beautiful pink  lips moving to create the simple word.
'hey' I say back breathless.
Even when he's like this he's still the most beautiful person in the world.
'how you feeling? ' I asked worried.
Jake nodded, even though I know how he's feeling.
'its full moon to night'
'it is?' I had completely forgotten I've been so busy with the pack and planning our weekend get away.
' I completely forgot, jake I've been so occupied with other things...'
I trailed off, realising that with how busy I've been I might have neglected my lover in some way.
' dont worry honey, make sure you get a good run around with the kids'
I nodded realising I needed to transform and run off all my anxiety and stress from the past month.
'dinner!' My mum called from downstairs.
'go and eat matt you look as tired as I feel ' jake said snuggling into the bed.
'you want me to bring you some dinner? '
I asked before leaving.
' no I'll have something to eat later'
I nodded leaving jake to rest, and went down for dinner.

Angel Pov
It's full moon!
All of us are out in the garden making our way out of the gate in the bottom of the garden leading to the woodland.
Once surrounded by the trees and only the moon light we all stood still in the quiet, our wolf's awakening.
Dad cleard his throat, as pack alpha he was to give the order to transform.
'alright get changed! I don't want to buy new clothes because you ripped them!'
A thue giggling from granma remembering all the clothes that have been ruined from transforming fully clothed.
We all went to hide behind different trees and bushes to strip of our clothes.
I settled behind a large tree and started by taking off my shoes and socks I was about to lift of my top when I felt hands lift it over my head for me.
I turned started.
' Daniel! What are you doing! '  I whisperd angrly.
'hey....hehe don't be angry baby I just want to help ' Daniel whisperd cheeky.
I sighed unzipping my trousers so I was just in my boxers.
I turned to realise Daniel was still fully clothed.
'hey angel?' Daniel smirked putting his hands on my waist.
'youve put on wait baby! You're even got a little belly going on!' Daniel laughed trying to put his hands on my tummy.
I squirmed and pushed his hands away.
Daniels face fell, he looked hurt that I wouldn't let him touch me.
I wrapped my hands over my stomach trying to hide the slight bulge of the puppy growing inside me.
'angel... You know I think your beautiful no matter what! Your not getting chubby or fat I just wanted to tease you, I'm sorry' He really did look sorry.
I nodded worried he might find out I'm pregnant, I'm just not ready to tell him.
A long loud howl sounded throughout the forest the hole pack joining in with the alphas cry, my dad.
I slipped of my boxers putting them with my other clothes and quickly turning before Daniel could stare at me to much.
Now in my Wolf form I ran as far away from Daniel as possible passing granma now in her Wolf form on the way.
I kept running and running.
Till my legs gave out.
I lay in a clearing dotted with moss and fir trees.
I lay and panted in the cool night air, I felt little excited kicks from my puppy.
I guess it was happy to be out side.

Yasssss I'll try and update soon xxx

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