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This picture has nothing to do with the story I just freaking love this manga!

Angel Pov
The alarm went of for school.
Groaning and hearing the running footsteps of my siblings fighting for the bathroom and pre-school arguments already started.
My body hurts, my stomach is churning, my head feels like it might explode.
Remembering that granma wanted a talk I needed to avoid her at all costs!
Peeling myself from my warm bed I started to rummage around the messy piles on the floor in an attempt to find a clean school uniform.
I stood up from rummaging in the floordrobe (I have one to😂) pain shot through my back spasaming my hip muscles.
'aaah!' I cried out gasping, shit it really hurt.
'angel? Yo alright bruv?' Nina peeked in the door way.
I nodded catching my breath.
No I'm not okay!  I'm the furthest thing from okay! I thought to myself.
I tried standing up straight again, only for the pain to shoot through again only worse!
'ah...ah..' I collapsed to my knees and sobbed on the floor.
This is all to much!  I can't take it much longer!
'omfg! Angel yo alright??!' Nina rushed to my side.
'should I get papa? Or dad?!'
'no!' I gasped.
Knowing nina would want an explanation and I need to either tell her or lie.
'angel is this something to do with last night?'
Nina looked so worried and caring I really needed someone to know, someone to help me someone I could trust.
'nina close the door p..please'
She didn't hesitate to slam the bedroom door shut and rush back to my side.
'done!! Now tell me what's wrong?'
I nodded trying to sit up the pain still stinging my hips, the pups were kicking again they weren't happy and neither was I.
'ninas if I tell have to promise no to tell anyone'
She nodded seriously, and I could tell she would keep my secret as she's never serious so the expression looked out of place on her.
'I'm pregnant' Shit I said it....the words came so easily after weeks of that same phrase turning around and around in my head.

Nina Pov
The fuck?????
Legit what????
'ummmmm angel how?'
Looky I know I have two dad's and I know that papa had us young but... Angel can't be preggy??
' I had sex dumbass! ' Angel smiled throughout his tears.
'ohhhhh! Wait what?!'
'never mind, the point is that it happened and now I'm like this' angel said placing his hands on his raised stomach.
'ooooh that's what it was, because me and milly were saying you got porkie!'
We both erupted into laughter.
There was a moment of silence as it sunk in.
'so I'm an auntie? '
Angel nodded, aaaaaah I'm an auntie!
'can I be auntieninins?' I grinned.
'haha! Yes sure' angel smiled back.
He really did look a bit rough dark circles hung beneath his eyes, his skin looked paler than usual.
'whos the father?' I had to ask the burning question.
Angel shook his head.
' I can't tell you'
' dose he know your carrying his baby?'
'no he can't ever find out.. Or he won't ever love me!'
Angel burst in to sloppy tears, it wasn't a pretty sight.
'hay! hay! I'm sorry! I won't ask!'
I bear hugged angel rubbing circles on his back.
'can I feel it?'
He nodded pulling his top up, dark purple and blue bruised skin stretched across his stomach and hips it looked painful.
'omg! It the puppy alright? How did this happen?'
'last night when you found me'
Angel looked down in shame.
' I tried to take care of it, by eating extra food and not laying on my side'
Angel cried again.
'I'm sure your doing a great job at being a dad'
I placed my hands to his warm belly felling little kicks, AAAAAH I WANT TO SEE IT NOW! I WANT TO BE AUNTIE!!
Chill nina chill....
' dose it hurt?'
Angel nodded.
'how many weeks has it been? '
'thats the thing nina I just don't know!  I'm afraid at any moment it will just pop out!'
Wait.... Puppy's pop out?? Naa whatever.🤔
' you can take a test you know? I see it
Advertised on TV all the time you can tell how many weeks till its due'
Angel looked hopefull.
' really can we get one?'
'sure we're get one after school! Let me get you some aspirin for the pain and you get dressed the school bus will be hear soon!'
Angel nodded, hugging me one last time.
'thank you for keeping my secret' he whisperd.
' thats alright! But you will have to tell someone when that puppy pops out!'
We both gigged.

Aaahh school! 
The teacher is being a Bitch again!  The heating smells like it's burning the wall! My coke spilt on my sandwich! Today is shit!
Also to top it off! I've got to buy angel a pregnancy test thing! And ofcorse the people will think I'm the one who's having a child! Tbh tho I didn't mind I'm going to be an auntie so it will be worth it!
'hey nina!'
I look up an I'm slapped in the face by the gorgeous ray of sunshine that is meko!
She looks more adorable than before!  If possible!😍
'you alright?' She must have noticed my face red with anger.
I suddenly wished I had made an effort today, like even botherd to brush my bed head tangel of golden locks.
'yasssssss school sucks tho!' I sighed.
'oh that's not good' she looked like she wanted to Say more.
' i was wondering if you would want to maybe see a movie with me this Saturday??' meko looked down at her shoe a cute pink blush creeping up her cheeks.
Oh I shouted that, ooops
Meko only giggled the surrounding dirty looks didn't affect her one bit and I admire her for that.
'brilliant! Its a date, oh also there's a present for you in your locker'
Meko winked and skipped away leaving me awestruck.
..wait.... present!
Faster than a speeding bullet I ran to my locker possible thoughs of the 'mystery' present racing through my mind.... Chocolate.... Lacy panties... Nudes!
Wait... Wait..calm down girrrl be a gentleman! I just really want to know!
I opened the locker to not chocolate or panties not a nude photo in sight but a dead rabbit hanging up dripping blood all over my sport kit.
Well atlest I know who the mystery Wolf is.

Heyyy my gorgeous bunch😘😘😘
A lotta nina in this chapter.
I'm already thinking of my next original story after I finish this one!
Vote and comment plz my Yaoi children! 💕xxxxxx

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