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Matt Pov
It's been six days since angel and Daniel have gone missing.
I've had the pack out on a search party to find them but with no luck.
They don't want to be found.
Shit how has this happen?
How? Did I not notice? Angel must have been so scared and confused, I'm proud of Daniel for taking responsibility but for them both to run away like this is stupid!
Daniel can't protect a pregnant omega and raise their pup! I didn't have a clue how to at twenty three! let alone sixteen!
Jakes worried sick, he's been out searching every night with me and the pack.
As he's human he can't run or track like us when we're in our Wolf form.
Jake was getting better during our holiday after his collapse, but now I think he's heading that way again, his health is getting worse and the stress and worry from our run away twins is too much for him.
I think I should have another drive around the block, just to see if their still in the area.
I pass jake in the kitchen preparing a quick dinner after us all being out searching all day.
He's still got his shoes on, he looks so tired as the bags under his eyes grown      heavier.
I come over to him putting my arms around his thin waist.
Jake jumped a little at my touch, he's been on edge since angel and Daniel ran away.
' you scared me!'
Jake mumbled.
' I'm sorry' I whisperd placing my head on his shoulder.
Jake sighed and relaxed into my touch.
'maybe you should stay home tonight?' I suggest.
Jake shakes his head.
' I won't rest till we find them'
I sighed kissing his neck.
' I know baby, but I don't want you getting ill again, I can't lose you as well'
Jake nodded.
' you won't, I'll be fine I promise, if I sit hear all day the worry will just make it worse, if I'm out there searching for them then I'll know we're  closer to finding them so we can bring them home'
Jake turned to hug me and I held him close.
' we're find them I promise'
I whisperd.

Angel Pov
I can't think straight..
Haha that's cas I'm not straight at all..
My fever has gotten bad again, what was it a week Daniel said?
A week we've been at this hotel, it started out as a cough, I think I caught a chill from walking in the cold for hours once we got of the bus.
But it's gotten worse as the days gone by.
Sometimes I'm so out of it I sleep for hours and slipping in and out of consciousness.
Daniels gone out to buy me some food, the medicine he got me works a little but I still feel like shit.
My vision blurrs, I've got a constant headache and I'm having occasional sweating fits through the night.
And to make it worse I think... I know Daniels running out of money, this seedy hotel isn't cheap and so isn't all the medicine he's buying, that wad of cash he stole from papa and dad is declining rapidly.
It's too hot in hear.
I lick my lips trying to clench my thirst the glass on the cabinet besides me empty.
The puppy kicks, they've been largely unhappy these past thue days.
And so have I, I miss home so much!  I really starting to wish I could have had the puppy at home where it was warm and safe, granma would have filled me with sweets and sugar, my papa would have wrapped me in warm blankets and nina probably would have teased me with names, I'm still unsure of what to call It? I don't even know what gender our little puppy will be? Not that it matters I'll still love it so so much!
I decided to get myself some water as my throat is so dry.
I swing my legs of the bed, I'm dressed in only boxers and a shirt.
As soon as I put weight on my feet my head spins my body falls forward and.. SLAM!
Shit! Shit! Aw! Aw!
I fell straight forward on my stomach.
My legs had given out from beneath me, the weight of my fall focused completely on my stomach where the puppy's bulge is.
It hurts like crazy!
I pull myself up on hands and knees.
I'm crying from the pain in my stomach and back.
My hands shaking, I sit back on my knees, taking shaking breaths and sharp sobs.
Somethings not right... Something dosent feel right!
'd..dannniell' I croaked, my throat raw  from crying and fever.
The rooms starting to shift? 
My hearing goes and all I can hear is a high pitched ringing.
Somethings wet?
My legs?
I look down before seeing dark red blood between my thighs amd coating the hem of my shirt.
I don't have time to do anything before a rush of panic sharp shooting pain and then I passed out.
Slowly bleeding alone on the floor.

I know I said I would update sooner buttttttttt I found it really difficult to write this chapter! 

Were so close to the end!😢
I need yall to make a decision tho:
A: would u want puppy to live?
B: would u want angel to live?
Comments what yall think! I'm not sure there will be a happy ending but yall never know I might surprise ya xxx😘😇😘🤔🤔🤔

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