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Angel Pov
Coming home was like a daze,
My ears couldn't pick up sound my body tired and stiff, I can't remember the bus ride home.
After school nina brought me test and I took it in the bathroom at the mall.
Daniel hasn't talked to me all day, he won't even look at me.
No surprise as I'm 16 weeks pregnant..
Shit 16 weeks! When was our pup conceived?  Was it that time in the school toilet? Or that Time in the back of the fast food restaurant? Fuck it could even be one of our late night encounters when everyone was asleep!
That means this pup is due in little over 8 weeks, I'm not sure if it's the bruising or the swelling but I've suddenly gotten really big, I wore one of Daniels school shirts that I sneaked from the washing so it would be baggy on me.
' Shit Angel this pup is coming really soon you've gotta tell dad and papa!'
That was ninas reaction, but how do I tell them?
' angel you alright? '
I snapped from my daze slightly to dad shaking my shoulder.
I nodded looking into his kind face, how? How can I tell you? 
' I'm just tired...'
Dad nodded taking my school bag.
'must be the cold weather, it's affecting papa too. You think you're be alright as we're away this weekend?'
'what?!' going away?
' didn't I tell you?...ah I'm sorry angel I thought I did were going away for a couple days, we're be back before you know it' he smiled a little guilty.
I just nodded to tired to say anything back.
I kicked off my shoes, Daniel came down the stairs he caught my eye for a second before speeding away to the lounge.
Dinner passed in a blur granma kept sneaking me looks as she still wanted that little talk with me, so I try to avoid her like the plaque.
Papa came down for dinner, his long hair tied back to reveal his tired face, being honest papa is extremely...! Beautiful no wonder dad fell for him even when exhausted and weak he still looked radiant.
' you alright angel honey? ' papa said to me which cleaning away dinner.
I nodded while drying a dish.
'dad said you didn't feel well coming home today?'
The  look in his eyes was love and worry that only made my stomach church with even more guilt.
''s just the weather '
I mumbled.
Papa took the dish from my hands that I dried about a hundred times deep in thought.
' go and snuggled down and watch a movie baby, go'
I could tell his being kind in wanting me to rest but that only twisted the guilt further as I could tell he wasn't well either, as we both suffer from extreme exhaustion and weakness.
' but I can help..'
Papa shook his head.
'off to pajamas and rest for you'
I sighed, but a little happy to be alone again I closed my bedroom door and threw on some pajama only to find I couldn't button up the top as my stomach to large.
'shit..' I mumbled, Tears threatening to spill from my eyes I fell to my knees my hands on my stomach.
The pups definitely been active, I guess as it's almost ready their getting impatient.
The bruising had faded a little but still remains tender and sore.
I can't believe what Daniel did to me that full moon night.
He still won't speak to me or even look at me, dose he know! Is that why he's avoiding me?
My puppy's turns a little moving my stomach.
I smile through my tears if there's one thing I don't regret it's this puppy.
Wiping my tears and throwing on a baggy tshirt and climbed into bed.
The sheets no where near as soft as Daniels.

Matt Pov
After dinner I helped mum to her lodge in the garden, it's dark so she don't like to walk there alone, she's been more skitterish and nervous since dad died.
Once I begged her good night I entered the house, the lounge deserted all the pups must be upstairs.
A small clatter and chinking of China came from the kitchen.
Jake was cleaning away the remaining dinner weare.
I came up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.
Jake jumped a little before relaxing in my arms.
I breathed in his sweet scent that still drove me crazy after all these years.
'you've lost weight...' I murmured feeling his individual ribs under his jumper and below that a tiny waist before hip bones that stuck out to much under skinny jeans.
As my hands felt how skinny his chest was I herd Jakes breath spike up slightly.
' that turn you on babe?' I spoke softly,  it's been to long again since we had sex.
' you always turn me on matt, your touch is the only thing I need' jake looked at me his tired blue eyes and soft lips smiled at me.
Fuck I love him.
' I kissed his cheek before letting my head fall back to his neck.
' I Wanna fuck you so bad, right now'
Angel giggled.
' I think if we have sex I'll pass out..'
I nodded knowing it to be true, I can feel his legs shaking slightly from the effort of standing up.
' on our break I'll make it up to you, I promise' jake said a sad tone in his voice, he probably is beating himself up over not being able to satisfy me.
I lifted my head up and kissed his delectable lips.
' dont worry about it baby'
' but I do...I want to give you everything!' a sad edge to his voice.
'you already have, I've gotten everything I need..because I've got you'
Jake turned to hug me kissing my collar bone.
'me to, I love you matt'
We stayed hugging for a while before I scooped him up in my arms and carryed jake up to bed.
Both excited for our little weekend break.

There's like only going to be 3 more chaps guys! 😰
Alsooooooo check out my new story peaches and cream! 
Two chapters r out now! Lemme know what u think 😏xxxxxx

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