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Matt Pov
Yes it kinda sucks having to go home after such a good get away... Tbh it was mostly just me and jake having hot passionate sex between cuddling in front of the fire and chilly walks around the lake.
I think we can safely say we rekindled our love life.
' I'm so excited to see our puppy's when we get home! You think they missed us?'
Jake pondered in the car seat next to me.
I nodded, keeping my eyes on the road that was coverd in early morning mist.
' do you miss our puppy's?'
Jake asked.
'you know I do babe...'
I sighed.
' I love them all more then anything, there the best gift I could ever have, and to have you give me not only your love and body but four beautiful pups, I'm truly blessed'
Jake smiles, placing his hand on my knee.
' you've got my hand in marriage now as well'
I smiled and quickly pecked Jakes delicate lips.
' I should have asked a long time ago'

Jake Pov
' we're home!'
I call as I fling open the front door.
Nina, milly and matts mum come to greet us.
Hugs and questions were exchanged.
I realised my to boys were missing.
' where's Daniel and Angel?'
' I think there still asleep I haven't seen them this morning?'
Nina runs upstairs eager to wake her two brothers.
' so how was it?' Matts mum asked raising her eyebrows slightly.
Matt wraps his arms around my waist, and hummed.
' lets just say it was... Very satisfying'
Millys eyes widened.
' Ew! Gross!'
We all laughed a little.
' hey guys Daniel and Angel aren't upstairs? I can't find them!?'
I panicked a little my parent instincts kicking in.
' but I found this letter on your pillow papa'
I took the white envelope from nina and opend it.
Matt read it from over my shoulder.

Dear dad and pappa
You have probably been wondering why I've been so ill and distant lately.
Maybe even why I've gotten a little chubby:)
The reason is because I'm pregnant with your granpuppys.
I know it's probably a shock and unexpected but I've got Daniel to take care of me now so you don't need to worry.
Hopefully I'll see you again once the puppy's born, I'll have a new life and family of music own when we meet again, hopefully it will be Christmas! And I'll you'll get to meet out sweet little present.
Love you both so much x
Ps I'm sorry if your disappointed you

Matt swore.
'what it it??' his mother asked taking the letter from my hands and reading it herself.
'fucking! Shit!' matt punched the wall furiously.
I stayed still the shock of finding my precious omega son pregnant shock me to my core.
'it says Daniels with him but it doesn't say whoes the father?'
Granny said almost as shocked as I am.
'the father?' My legs gave way.
'jake!' matt grabbed me before I hit the ground.
' I've got you!' Matt carryed me into the lounge and set me on the couch, my hands were shaking.
' its going to be alright...we will find him'
I shook my head, finding it hard to breath.
' oh matt he must have been so scared!'
I remember how scared I was finding out I was pregnant with matts pups after only knowing him for two weeks.
'he must have felt so alone...'
Matt hugged me as I started to cry.
'papa?' Nina said.
I nodded trying to cover up my tears.
'what is it honey?'
' I think I know who the dad is!?'
Matt became alert questioning who it was.
'who is it nina!?'
Nina took a deep breath, concern painting her face.
' daniels the father of the puppy's!'

Daniel Pov
Since we left the house early this morning we've tried to cover as much distance as we can.
One bus ride and two train lines later and we're on foot, according to my watch we've been walking for about two hours, but it feels like an eternity.
'..d...Daniel.. I'm s..so cold'
Angel whimpers his arms wrapped around his stomach and cheeks red and skin slightly blue.
I put my Spare arm around his shoulders.
'were stopping soon baby, at the next motel I promise'
Angel nodded and continued to walk with me down the side of the road, cars zooming past without a care with mud and slush coating our shoes.
It was dark by the time we settled in our motel room.
Angel not having spoken anything for hours collapsed onto the double bed.
The room was cheap and seedy.
The wallpaper and curtains dated and a square backed TV in the corner with a tiny bathroom that smelt like cheap bleach, but at least it was warm the old fashioned radiators smelling of burnt rubber as they rattled to show they were working.
Angel just lay on the bed eyes closed and fully dressed.
I kicked of my own shoes and jacket setting down our bags, as I wouldn't let angel carry any.
I took of his shoes and jacket, next his jeans that were very tight due to the bump in his stomach and then took of his jumper.
I dressed angel in his warmest pajamas and lay him in bed, taking care to wrap him in the covers.
I changed into sleep wear before laying next to him.
I packed one of angels teddy bears from when he was little, we both said we wanted the puppy to have it when it was born so I tucked that in with angel too.
I turned the lights offend snuggled down, my arms around my precious angel and my puppy.
Slowly they started to warm up, angel didn't feel like a popsicle anymore and his breathing told me he was in a deep sleep.
I could feel Gentle little kicks at my side from my puppy told me they were happyer too.
' I love you'
I whisperd kissing angels cheek.

Hope yall happy! 
An extra long chapter for yas😘
I miss getting comments😞 so yall better gimme some!plzzzzzzz😊😉😃xxx

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