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Daniel Pov I woke to angel running from my room leaving the bed cold.
Shit I feel lost with out him.
I lifted my aching body from the bed to see where he went, I found angel leaning over the toilet horrible wrenching sounds coming from his mouth.
I instantly rushed to his side rubbing small circles on his back.
He continued to be sick.
Finally finished throwing up the content of last night's dinner and our little midnight encounter 😏.
'you feeling alright baby?' I asked he looked pail and was shaking from the force of being Sick.
'maybe we should stay home today?'
Angel shook his head.
'I'll be f...fine'
I held angel in a warm hug kissing his soft hair.
' if your sure you feel alright?' I asked one more time.
'I'm fine Daniel just a upset stomach'
I smiled.
' I won't let you swallow next time'
I winked and Angel laughed.

'school sucks!' I slammed my bag on the lunch bench.
'we only got two more classes' angel said quietly.
Angel still looked pail from this morning our parents asked what was wrong and we made up some excuse as to why he felt ill.
'angel you alright?' I asked.
He nodded a little distant,
' I'll go and get you something to eat'
I went over to the vending machines buying two coke and numerous chocolate bars, this will make angel feel better.
I approached our table noticing a tall sandy blond boy chatting angel up!
Storming over slamming our drink cans on the table.
'excuse me! Me and my twin our trying to eat!'
The boy was very attractive definitely an alpha like me.
'you don't look like twins?' The ass hole said.
He kept eyeing angel up like a bit of meat, this made me extremely angry.
'so...Maybe I could get your number?  Or snapchat?'
Thats it!
'FUCK OFF!' I shouted my dominant pheromones filling the air.
The other alpha boy ran leaving the lunch Hall.
The silence in the lunch Hall and every eye on me was... Yep very embarrassing.
I sat down still brooding with anger.
Slowly every one started talking again.
'what?' angel glaring at me.
'you didn't have to do that'
'he obviously wanted you!'
'you didn't have to be a dick about it'
I took a deep breath trying to calm my temper.
'do you really want someone else?'
My hart clenched.
' know I don't, I just wish you weren't so angry every time a guy looks at me!'
Its true this is why I hate school everyone looks at my beautiful little angel they all want him, but he's mine!
'you want to go to the park after school?'
I asked hopeing for some alone time with angel.
'will you push me on the swing?' angel question childishly.
'sure I will!'

Angel Pov
I'm so so happy! Daniels taking me to the park.
Once school was out we threw our books in the lockers desperate for some time alone.
We raced out of school passing nina on the way.
'ninas plz tell dad and papa that we'll be late for dinner!
Daniel dragging me down the corridor leaving nina and her friends behind in the emptying Hall.
Once out in the open air and out of school grounds, we grasped hands as soon as we were out of sight of anyone we could know.
Daniel smiled and kissed my cheek, he took my school bag from my aching shoulder and carryed it for me.
'Daniel I'm hungry?'
Daniel hummed nodding.
We stopped of at a little corner shop where he brought me a bag of caramel popcorn that we shared on the walk to the park.
We settled on a bench under a tree, Daniel gave me his jacket as I was getting cold in the evening air.
'come closer baby let me keep you warm' I snuggled in Daniels arms relishing the feeling of his warmth.
'you smell different?'
I sniffed my shirt curiously.
'do I stink?'
'haha no sweetie you just smell different like...two different scents?'
'I always smell like you! Because your always trying to show I'm your's'
I always spray deodorant in the morning to try and mask Daniels scent on my skin especially if we've had sex I practically reek of him.
'naa it's a different scent?'
Daniel took a deep breath, his face buried in the crook of my neck his arms wrapped around me.
We stayed like that for a while just enjoying the peace and being able to be affectionate towards each other with out worry anyone would find out about our secret...our love we share.
'its getting late we should head back home' Daniel mumbled not really wanting to go back home where we have to pretend to be no more than twins.
'but you promised that you'd push me on the swings!' I stuck out my bottom lip giving pups eyes.
'alright... Just a little'
I ran towards the swing set Daniel racing after me laughing and smiling as much as I am.

Ooooh you all know what's going on with angel!
I wonderd if yall wanted to know a bit about me??
Comment what yall think I look like age and shiz and see if anyone guessed right😁😂😎😇🤗
Vote u smexy lot😉😂😂😂😏

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