Chapter 34-Part 1

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Hi, my beautiful amazing readers! I hope that you are doing fabulous! Thank you so so much for waiting so patiently, it means so much to me and I hope you guys know that when I say I appreciate and love you oh so much that I TRULY mean it. You guys are the best and I really dont know what I would do without you. Now, as you see this says 'Part 1' so there will be another part to this chapter, but I do want to let you guys know that soon this book will be coming to an end! *Sobs and sobs and sobs* The story will continue on though with other characters in this series. But also know that even though this book is coming to a close, there is still a few chapters left so dont be too sad! For this chapter and for the upcoming one I wanted to take time  to write and make it very INTENSE. Also be aware that this chapter is mature and it does have violence in it. <3 So I hope you enjoy so much because it does mean so much to me. But enough of me babbling! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ITS CRAY CRAY! xoxoxo -Hannah<3


CHAPTER 34: Layla came to, her mind hazy and not able to grasp anything around her. 

Pain pounded through her head, harsh and stomach turning in its intensity.

 She waited for a long moment until some of the fog had left her mind and even though the pain in her head was still there and not dulling whatsoever-she was finally able to realize and remember everything that had happened and it caused a ball of sickly warmth and belying icy cold to form in her stomach. 

She tried to stay calm and tried to keep her breathing slow. Before she opened her eyes, she forced her racing heart to calm and listened closely, trying to focus on her surroundings-first without her eyes.

 She was restrained, her hands behind her back and tied so tightly that she could feel each little fiber of the rough rope cutting a deeper path into her flesh. 

She could hear quiet, drawn out piano music that was sweet and soft.

 Rain pounded on the windows and surrounding walls of whatever structure they were in, sounding of millions of fingernails tapping restlessly against glass and brick.

 She could smell the ever so chemical sweet scent of cheap store bought wax tea candles burning around her and last but not least, she heard footfalls not too far away from her. 

They weren't retreating nor were they coming closer, so she figured the person wasn't going anywhere but walking around the same space. Knowing she needed to be even more quiet and discreet, she waited to slowly crack her eyes open ever so slightly—thin slits that she could make blurs out of but nothing more. 

The large silhouette was bent over something, foot tapping as he focused on something placed in front of them that she couldn't exactly make out. 

Reassured that the attention was focused away from her, she opened her eyes the rest of the way and her breath caught even further as if the air had physically been pulled from her.

 Dread filled her heart, filled her entire being as she tried to control the overwhelming despair that grew with each passing moment.

  Breathe, Layla. You've got to figure this out and you won't be able to do that if you are freaking out. 

A tear rolled down her temple in a warm, wet and salty path as she took in a trembling breath that broke her heart with its path through her lungs. 

Slowly, every-so-slowly, she turned her head so that she could trace her eyes around the room surrounding her and as she did so she had a fleeting realization of where he had taken her. 

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