Chapter 10

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Hello everybody! I'm back and I have a new chapter for you :) This one is short, buuut I thought it was good to give you a chapter than none at all! The song that I'm putting up here is one I've used before on Amare and I just love listening to the end of this song along with the end of this chapter. I think its at around 1:25 seconds left of the song, so I guess around 4:00 seconds in when you are to the last part of the chapter. Anyways, you don't have to listen to it and it may not make sense or anything so JUST ENJOY!!!! :D I will be updating soon so keep your eyes open for that! Let me know how you like this. Love you guys! -Hannah


CHAPTER 10: Layla felt comfortable sitting on the couch next to Danger. They talked about little non-important things and she appreciated that. She appreciated that he wasn't acting as if she was a piece of porcelain to be coddled so that she didn't shatter. She suspected that if he did treat her that way, it would make her shatter-it would make her burst into tears.

Suddenly there was a knocking on the front door, making her and Danger stand up. He gave her a look that told her to stay, making her frown at his retreating back as he made his way to the front door and open it.

There was a soft murmur of voices and then the rushing of footsteps that made Layla look up just in time to see Sydney and Alice rushing into the living room.

Both of them stopped in their places and stared at her with open-mouths at the bruising covering her face.

Before she could blink the two women had catapulted themselves at her. Layla saw Ethan come in with Danger, saw Danger's face blanching as he watched Alice and Sydney throw their weight at her. She would've laughed at the comical look on his face if she hadn't been hit with pain as the girls arms came around her waist.

Her battered ribs flared with such agony that her vision spun with stars, going a bright white before going black.

When she opened her eyes next she was laying on the couch with a cool rag on her forehead, worried eyes staring at her from above. She grimaced, trying to sit up but then abandoning her attempt as the pain began again at a low and steady throb.

Alice grimaced, her sweet face pale and worried. "We saw you looking like..." Alice trailed off, letting her eyes settle on the bruises marring Layla's exposed skin.

"Like The Three Blind Mice weren't so blind anymore and ended up beating you with their canes." Sydney supplied with a glare as she stared angrily at Layla's injuries.

Layla snorted and pushed up on her arms so that she could sit propped up against the couch cushion. "We are so sorry," Alice said, tears filling her eyes. "We just saw you like that and I guess our immediate reactions were to hug you." Layla immediately leaned forward to hug her kind, sweet-hearted friend.

"I'm fine, really. Just a little beaten up, okay?"

Alice nodded, sniffling as Ethan stepped forward to drop a kiss on her head. He turned to Layla, hugging her—gently. When he pulled back, his eyes were angry as he stared at her bruises. "What happened to your fucking face?" He asked angrily.

Sydney stepped forward, eyes narrowed as she said, "I second that."

Layla having expected the question, sighed and opened her mouth to speak, but Danger stepped forward. "She already told me what happened. Let's let them have a night of fun. I'll tell you the story in the car and Layla can tell them when we leave." He said and Ethan hesitated a moment before nodding. They all said goodbye, Ethan giving Alice a quick yet passionate kiss that had her flushing a bright pink before he and Danger left, telling them to lock the door on their way out.

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