Chapter 27

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Hi everybody! I am back and I have a new chapter for you wonderful people<3. I am sorry it took so long to upload, but there has been a bunch of family problems going on and I've also had such a horrible flare up with my Behcets and Mitochandrial Myopathy that its made me feel like I haven't wanted to do anything but lay in bed and cry my eyes out, haha. Either way, I am so happy to give you guys this chapter and I will be uploading as soon as I possibly can! (Plus, my aunt will kill me if I don't XD) Anyways, I love the song that I am putting with this chapter but the song they dance to is written in the chapter as well. I hope with all my heart that you enjoy. Just know that if you are having a hard time that it will be okay in the end and that you are so loved. I love you. -Hannah :)


CHAPTER 27: Layla came to consciousness slowly, her mind happy, silent and content, her body deliciously sore. She stretched, hearing commotion out in the kitchen.

Her head turned and she found that Julian was no longer in bed beside her so she stood and pulled on her nightgown over her robe and trekked out to the kitchen, the ground cool beneath her toes as the morning air nipped at her bare legs.

As she emerged from the hallway that led to the kitchen, she could only stare at the sight before her. Julian and Hazel worked on breakfast in the kitchen, Hazel sitting atop the counter in her nightgown as Julian mixed what Layla assumed to be pancake mix in the crook of his arm.

Music played, Dean Martin singing "Sway (Quin Sera)", the different instruments moving throughout the kitchen as effortlessly as the smell of fresh-off the pan maple bacon.  Layla smiled as she leaned against the wall, watching as Hazel laughed when Julian did a dance move that was funny with such a big body mass.

Hazel tried to copy it, but almost fell off the counter which Julian caught and stabled her without effort. It continued for some time and Layla felt her heart swell with love as she watched the two people who had saved her life interact and laugh together.

Finally, the two of them noticed her and she couldn't help her smile growing on her face. Julian set down the bowl he was mixing, eyes never leaving hers as he went up to Hazel and bent down to whisper something in her ear.

The little girl smiled radiantly, eyes sunny and without the darkness that usually showed in the beautiful orbs. Finally, Hazel nodded to whatever Julian had been whispering to her and with that Julian moved around the counter to walk to Layla, his eyes glittering as he got closer and closer to her. Layla let out a squeak when his large hands suddenly shot out to grip her waist, pulling her to him and atop is bare feet.

She let out a loud laugh as he began to tango, wrapping her arms around his neck. Layla tried to assume the 'serious' face that you would usually see on dancers performing such a smooth, graceful and languid dance, but it was hard as Julian bent her down low, swung her back up and shimmied his large shoulders.

Apparently, Layla wasn't the only one because she could hear Hazel giggling as she clutched at her tummy before she wiggled off the counter and jumped down to run over to them. Julian let go of Layla, just in time for Hazel to begin dancing with Layla. Both girls let out giggles as they twirled around the kitchen, Julian watching as he leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.

They twirled and danced until Julian broke in to begin dancing with them. The world and all of its atrocities, sorrows and evils fell away as they laughed, smiled and danced together. The things that they had been through, each of them, falling away until they were simply humans—humans tied together by tragedy—humans tied together by their love for each other.

As the song finished, a sudden and loud ringing broke through the dawning silence and each of them froze, panting slightly.

Julian's face turned to stone as Hazel's smile froze and her small hands tightened their grip on where she held onto Layla.

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