Chapter 12

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Hello everybody! I am back! I've got a new chapter for you and I am SO BEYOND EXCITED for you to read it:) I hope you are all doing fabulous! I set up an Instagram for my Wattpad account, so if you would like you can go follow it to see excerpts, covers, and updates! it is hannahonana_wattpad so go check it out if you'd like! Also, this chapter is longer than usual! So get cozy and ready ;) I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter and I will be updating soon! I love you all! XOXOX -Hannah <3


CHAPTER 12: Layla's heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute, a harsh tempo that pounded relentlessly against her ribcage. "Let's go out onto the patio." She said quietly and Julian didn't answer, only gave a curt nod as a muscle flexed in his jaw.

The enclosed back patio had always been a favorite to Layla. She was able to sit on the swing during summer nights, saved from the pesky bugs and mosquitos by the screen. You were still able to see the night clearly though, smell the rain on the window and hear the chirping melodies of crickets.

It was something that burned of familiarity, but it did little to soothe Layla's frazzled nerves at the moment. As she shut the door quietly behind her, both she and Julian stepped forward to stare at the line of woods that began not too far away from her house.

She could practically feel the wildlife buzzing in those trees of pine and oak.

At first Layla let Julian have his silence because he needed to gather his thoughts and she knew that if it wasn't for her that he wouldn't be saying a damn thing.

Glancing over at him, she was unable to help but notice his beauty in the pale and milky moonlight that shone down on them both. He was all hard lines and rough edges, but there was a beauty in that ruggedness and he simply took her breath away. He had freed his hair so now it was loose and she had to pop her knuckles just so that she didn't move over and run her fingers through it, wondering if it felt like spun gold as much as it looked.

She snorted inwardly. Man, she needed sleep.

She must.

Forcing those thoughts away, she turned towards him and chewed on her lower lip as she shifted on her feet. She knew that he was probably trying to think of any way to get out of telling her what was really, truly going on, but she knew that he was just as aware that there was no out this time.

When he had called her, he had given any right as such away because now she was involved whether he liked it or not.

He had asked for her help.

Unable to help it, she felt shy and hesitant as she finally broke the seemingly unending silence between them.

"Alice told me..." Layla paused nervously, gaze flicking up to meet his again. "Alice told me that your name isn't Frank." She finally whispered.

Julian's gaze went distant, yet were so intense that she felt as though they were burning a hole right through her.

"Did she?" He asked in a calm, low tone.

Swallowing, Layla nodded. Julian crossed his large arms over his chest. "And just what is my name, babe?" he asked, voice coming out cold and husky.

For some reason, Layla didn't want to answer-couldn't answer. The word-the name-was frozen on her tongue as she stared up into those glacial blue eyes of his.

Slowly, he smiled and took a step towards her. She felt a flash of heat and electricity fizz through her, making her mind swirl like cotton candy.

He asked her again and when she still didn't answer, a feral grin came to his kissable lips. He stalked forward and with each step he took, she stumbled one back.

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