Chapter 2

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Hello everybody! I'm back, I am back!! I've got the new chapter ready for you. Keep your eyes open for the next one! It'll be coming soon! I love you all. XOXOX -Hannah :)


CHAPTER 2:  For the next hour and a half was spent with Alice and Sydney poking and prodding at Layla with tweezers, curling irons, mascara wands and much more. When Layla had suggested just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, both girls had glared her into submission, going into her closet to find something that they found suitable.

To be honest, Layla didn't care what she wore. She would be fine wearing a burlap sack, even. It wasn't like she was expecting to meet a guy and fall in love and get laid. No. She didn't think she was ready for that and didn't know if she would ever be ready for that again. Just another way Mason had permanently fucked up her life.

Still, even she had to concede that the dress the girls had chosen was absolutely adorable.

It was a white sundress with thin spaghetti straps. The top of the dress was fitted white lace before flaring out at the waist and ending just about mid-thigh.

It was perfect and Layla had to push down the childish urge to twirl around to see how the dress moved around her. Alice curled the ends of Layla's red hair, insisting that she leave it down, while Sydney worked on her makeup.

By the time they were done, Layla could barely recognize the girl that stared back at her.

"You look so amazing, it's sickening." Sydney said and Alice giggled as she nodded her head emphatically. "You look AMAZING!"

Layla blushed and turned to face them. "Please. Nothing compared to you girls."

Sydney turned and tossed Layla a brown leather jacket and some cute wedged sandals. "Let's hit the road! The night is young and I want to find me a hottie!" Sydney shook her butt at the other girls, making them laugh as they followed her.

Layla locked up her front door and couldn't help but stand there for a moment as anxiety seemed to swallow her up whole.

She forced air into her lungs and almost jumped out of her skin when a hand landed on her forearm.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked gently and after a moment of composing herself, Layla nodded and pasted on a smile.

"Fine. Let's go." Sydney and Alice had driven in one car, so Layla climbed into the back, happy to have some space to herself.

Sydney belted out Katy Perry at the top of her lungs while Layla forced herself not to freak out. She was fine and everything would be fine, but just the thought of being in a bar full of people made her skin itch with nerves.

Layla had been hoping for a slightly longer drive so that she could gather her bearings, but she had also forgotten how close The Crown was.

It seemed like she had blinked and they were pulling into a parking spot. She wiped her clammy hands on her thighs and got out of the car.

The night was perfect. Not too cold, nor too hot.

Just perfect with a soft breeze that had the lingering scent of smoke and rain.

She felt the ball of anxiety in her stomach loosen slightly.

The Crown was a small establishment, hidden behind a wall of large trees. The red, green and white sign flashed with a soft buzzing sound, the music and raucous laughter and conversation reaching her as they made their way up the wooden steps.

Just breathe.

Breathe, Layla.

Alice's hand slipped over to squeeze hers reassuringly.

Counting Sheepजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें