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Hi everybody.. :'( I hate and love to say it...but here it is...The Epilogue of Counting Sheep. This book...I didn't realize how much it meant to me until I finished writing it. These aren't just characters to me...they are my friends and my family. They know the pain I know at times. They are apart of the escape world in my mind (or one of them :D) And it didn't hit me until the last sentence, how sad I am that this book is ending. But, as I always say, just because this one is finishing does not mean its the last you will see of these characters. This story is ending...but another one will be beginning soon! The teaser trailer for the next book will be in an author's note after this, so keep your eyes peeled. Always follow me on Instagram to get updates about me and my books, to know when the new one is on its way to your hand or lap somewhere! I hope you know that you are loved, that you are important. Thank you so much for all of your unending support, I cannot even put into words how much it means to me and you will never know how happy you and your comments all make my heart. Thank you for going on this journey and I can't wait for the one coming up! I promise you, it wont be one you wanna miss... EEEK! You wouldn't wanna miss Sydney and Marcello's story...would you? ;) I LOVE YOU ALL! XOXOXO -Hannah



Epilogue: Layla swayed softly as the quiet romantic melody played, her head on Julian's shoulder.

He held her close, like she was a precious ruby that he didn't want to lose or to damage. Hazel danced with Antony behind them, Antony graciously offering to watch and play with her while Julian and Layla had their moment for the soft music.

Layla's heart felt full...happy...content.

She didn't know it, but the same things were crossing Julian's mind. He felt like he held the world and then some in his arms.

He felt on top of the world, just by being near Layla. He knew in each corner of his once cold and dead heart, in the very marrow of his bones...that she was it for him.

His entire life had led up to this...to her.

Julian looked across the way and caught Giovanni's eyes as he, too, held the woman he loved. Natalie. Julian never thought he would understand what the man had meant that night, those years ago.

But he wasn't supposed to understand...well, not until now at least.

Now he knew, it all made sense because of her. His fingers grazed up and down the soft skin of her spine, making her shiver with pure delight in his arms, earning a rumble of approval from him.

Giovanni winked at Julian as he turned away, focusing fully on his wife as he held her even closer.

Julian smiled a secret smile and pressed a kiss atop Layla's head.

My world...

"So, want to tell me what that was all about a few moments ago?" He asked, swaying her.

She sighed. "Not really," Said Layla, but she pulled away just enough so that she could meet the brilliant blue of his gaze...warm...ice blue.

My warrior.

She cleared her throat, looking around to make sure Alice was out of ear-shot.

"Sydney left. I think for good...but I am not sure. I thought that maybe if I messaged Marcello that I could-"

Julian interrupted, finishing for her. "That you would get him to come stop her because of his feelings for her."

Layla caught his eyes, chewing on her lip as a spark lit in her eyes. "So, you noticed it, too? Whatever is between the two of them?" She asked and Julian let out a soft chuckle, pulling her closer by her rear and making her squeak as a smile curled at her lips.

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