Chapter 31

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Hey everyone<3 I am back and with a new chapter! I am so sorry it has been so long, but its been really tough the last couple weeks for me, so I really hope that you can forgive me. I hope this chapter makes up for it! I will be updating REALLY soon after this, but just a warning...This chapter is VERY intense. So be prepared, my loves ;) I hope with all my heart you enjoy and I cannot wait to hear what you think! I love you!!! -Hannah


CHAPTER 31: Julian woke to small kisses being sprinkled across his face. He groaned, stretching his long limbs as his eyes flickered open. Layla was above him with a twinkle in her eye while Hazel bounced up and down at the foot of the bed.

He had never woken up to such a beautiful sight, of that he was sure. Layla's hair was rumpled, but in a wavy-cute way that had him wanting to kiss her. Hazel's curls were disheveled as well, a handprint-sleeping mark from her laying on her hand on her left cheek.

"Wake up sunshine," Layla sang, straightening.

He forced a groan again. "What if I don't want to get out of bed?" He countered and Hazel giggled while Layla's lips twitched.

"Well, too bad! We are hungry and we don't want to be without you." She reached out to pat his cheek and then squeaked when he grabbed her and pulled her to him. Layla began to squeal as his hands came down to tickle her sides, gasping out, "Hazel –ah- HELP—M-ME!"

She giggled and Hazel put on an adorably cute 'determined face' and came racing towards them. Julian easily tossed Layla to his other side, catching Hazel's swinging squirming body with ease. "Ah, you wanna play that game, now do you?" He laughed and began to tickle the little girl.

She shook with silent laughter as tears rolled down her temples and together, they all played for another half an hour before the grumbling and growling of their stomachs forced them out into the house for food.

Layla pulled on her robe and switched on the T.V., walking to the kitchen to pull out the cereal that each of them wanted.

Usually they liked the same taste in cereal but today they each had a decidedly different want in sugary goodness. After getting the three bowls filled with ice cold milk and pouring the cereal, Layla helped Julian into the living room where Hazel was already sitting on the couch waiting. Layla noticed absently, but with worry, that the little girl was simply sitting staring out the window as she chewed on her lip, brow furrowed as though thinking hard and concerned.

Layla ran her fingers through the girl's curls. "Here you go, honey," She said softly and was about to ask what was wrong when the news came on in a blare of noise and color, brightening the room with its bright lights.

A woman with strawberry blonde hair, a delicate-elven face and an impeccable blouse and skirt came on. "Today, while we have been lucky to have a summer without to many highs or low, we are unfortunate to say that we will not be leaving summer with the same good weather. Our meteorologists say that we are supposed to get more rain today and tomorrow than we have in the entire year. While you have no reason to worry, stock up, grab a good movie and stay in to enjoy your weekend. I'm Piper Walsh with Channel 5 news."

Layla raised a brow and turned to Julian and Hazel who sat with their legs folded underneath of them, eating their bowls of cereal quicker than Layla could see their spoons moving. "I have an idea!" She said and both of them looked up, Hazel with a small dribble of milk running down her chin.

"Why don't we make a big bed fort and watch movies all day. You heard her. A huge rainstorm is coming in so I think it would be nice for us to just stay in. Does that sound okay?" She asked and Hazel got that distracted look again, before she slowly began to nod her head again.

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