Chapter 35

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Hi everybody :) I am here with a new chapter for you! I hope your 2018 is going beautifully so far! You deserve all of the beautifulness :) I know I ended on a cliffhanger last time... Who am I kidding I always leave cliffhangers. But this one was a big one and here is the continuation! I have a week off of work, so I'm hoping I will be able to get a lot more writing done! Anyways, I hope with all my heart you enjoy! I love you oh so much <3


CHAPTER 35: Julian couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

His heart didn't feel as though it was beating anymore as he looked at the scene of carnage before him.

Ringing sounded in his ears as he let out a sound that was so guttural, he knew he would never make the sound again, nor would he ever hear it, either.

He stepped over Daniel's limp body. The ringing in his ears got louder as he went further into the room, dropping down to his knees beside Layla, his gun clattering to the floor. His large hands shook as he gently took her pale face into his hands.

He was scared to touch her.

"L-Layla." He whispered. "Layla!" He screamed, holding the wound on her stomach.

"S-S-She w-won't wake up." A tiny voice whispered from beside him.

Julian's head shot up to find a little Hazel staring down at her, rocking back and forth in place as she patted Layla's hair.

"S-She just sleeping. R-Right?"

Julian stared with wide eyes.

Hazel...was talking.

She had the prettiest voice.

He shook his head, throat tight as he grunted, "No." He took in a breath. "Not sleeping, but we have to hurry." He said, straightening his spine as he felt for a pulse.

She was alive...but barely. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, just as he was about to tell Hazel that help was coming, he heard a soft sound come from behind them and froze.

Ever so slowly, he turned his head and met the gaze of his brother.

Daniel was pale, eyes glassy as he coughed up blood, blood seeping from between his fingers as he as well tried to keep pressure on his wound.

Julian touched Hazel's face with bloody fingertips, but she didn't care or notice.

"Keep your eyes on Layla. On her face and plug your ears for me, okay, baby girl?"

Hazel slowly nodded, eyes stony.

She knew what was going to happen, but didn't care.

Julian stood up and turned, walking toward the man that had done nothing but leave a path of destruction, sadness and horror in his wake.

Daniel grinned slightly, teeth stained a scarlet red as more blood came from his lips.

Layla had gotten him good.

"Hello, brother." Daniel coughed and Julian's hands fisted with unbelievable rage.

"Do NOT call me that." Julian pulled out his gun and pressed it to his temple.

A look of surprise and fury flashed in Daniel's gaze before it went neutral. "Aww, don't be that way." He whispered, energy dwindling fast. "We are blood after all," His eyes slowly trailed over to where Layla lay on the floor, looking lifeless.

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