Chapter 13

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Hey everybody! I am back and I've got a new chapter for you!!! I really hope that you guys enjoy this and I also hope that you are all doing wonderful! <3 I will be updating soon, so keep an eye out for that. Also, you can follow me on my Wattpad Instagram account for regular updates, excerpts and more! It is hannahonana_wattpad I hope you all enjoy! Love you guys xoxo -Hannah


CHAPTER 13: Layla's eyes snapped open, her heart thundering inside of her chest as she bolted upright. Vaguely, it crossed her mind that after Julian had left she had been so drained not only in body-but in heart and mind, that she curled up on the couch with a blanket and must have fallen asleep.

It was daylight outside, the inside of the house lighting dim and muted due to the curtains and drapes being shut.

Another blood-curdling scream wrenched through the house and Layla was stumbling to her feet before another thought. She tripped over the blanket that wrapped around her feet and after kicking it away, she got up to sprint into her bedroom.

Her chest was heaving, hair messy around her head and she swiveled around to look for danger.


Her gaze went to the bed and her heart clenched with pain. Hazel's small body lay in the middle of the bed, head twisting back and forth as whimpers escaped her lips.

Nightmares... She was having nightmares.

Layla swallowed hard and took a deep breath before going over to the side of the bed and sitting down to lean over the little girl.

Her hand came to rest on the side of Hazel's face, her thumb smoothing over the soft porcelain of the child's skin as she cooed reassuringly.

"Hey, sweetie. It's okay, it's okay. You are okay. Wake up, honey." Layla murmured.

Instead of calming the girl, something else must have frightened her in the dreams because she began to scream again at the top of her lungs, tears pouring from her eyes even as her small hands came up to beat at Layla's shoulders.

Pain bloomed, but Layla took each blow as she tried to bring the girl back to reality, to show the girl that the monsters didn't have her. Hazel reached up and clawed at Layla's neck, making her cry out as she grabbed the little girl's wrists and held them above her head.

"HAZEL!" She finally shouted.

The little girl's body stilled, her chest heaving as she panted. Slowly, her eyes flickered open-glassy and dazed as they bounced around the room looking for danger. Layla relaxed slightly, letting her grip loosen as the nightmare faded from the girl's mind.

"You're safe, sweetheart." She whispered with a soft sigh.

Hazel looked up and her wide eyes rounded as they came to rest on Layla's neck.

Wincing, Layla lifted her fingers to the tender spot, finding it wet. She pulled back her fingers and found them smeared with scarlet.

Her eyes met Hazel's and the little girl let out a sob as guilt filled her eyes.

She launched her tiny body into Layla's lap, wrapping thin arms around her neck. Layla swayed slightly, letting her own eyes fall shut as she released a heavy breath and cupped the back of the girl's head to hold to her neck.

"It's okay." She whispered into the little girl's curls. She wasn't sure how long they stayed there, holding each other, but eventually, Hazel's tummy grumbled.

Layla pulled back with a smile, wiping the stray tears from the girl's face. "You hungry?" She asked and Hazel nodded once, eyes flicking around nervously.

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