“I would never…”

“Then go.”

“Yes. I will be quick.” He answered, paying respects to the Prince and then left in a hurry.

Watching the back of his flustered knight, Alexander chuckled lightly.

“It’s been a long time since I saw him that way.” Roki commented when Cedar left.

“Yeah. He’s gone way too stiff with formalities, rules, and all that. It’s a good thing to see him make mistakes sometimes.” Alexander then glanced outside his open window, in the infirmary’s direction. “And Silver can also confirm something for me faster than expected.”


“Good fever! You sure know your timing!” Taking the path to the infirmary, Gale stretched her arms and cracked her almost stiff neck a few times. “Ah~ that’s nice…” She whispered as she felt a bit better. 

Having to act as another person continuously needs a huge amount of concentration. Although she just stood there, she needed to pay attention to the tiniest details when it comes to Cedar. That includes his mannerisms and disposition, thus it was taxing on her state of mind.

“If only that prince isn’t a pervert, acting would be much easier.” she whined. “And that charisma…” Gale bit her lips as she looked dazed, thinking about Prince Alexander’s elegance which he exudes with no effort. Even by simply turning a book’s page, he could put top models to shame.

“Ah~ why do I have to live with such a candyman now? Why didn’t I meet him in my last life?! What the hell?!”

Thinking about her past life again, she gave a bitter smile.

“It’s a pity that I died too young though. I wonder what my family is doing now… and mother…” 

“Oh my god!” She gasped upon remembering her manager-slash-P.A.-slash-best friend-slash-mother. 

Gale rushed to the infirmary with quick steps even if she was starting to get dizzy.

Reaching the said place, she opened the door.

The smell of different herbs and occasional flickering of magic circles from the inventors and pioneers’ experiments greeted Gale but her eyes searched for that familiar face, ignoring the surprised looks of a few apprentices around her.

“Uhm… excuse me, Sir Knight?” A voice came from behind. “This is our lab right here. The infirmary is on the other side.”

Even without looking, Gale knew this voice. Turning her heels, the woman’s figure came into full view.

According to Cedar’s memory, this beautiful woman is Silver McFlynn. The head of the royal physicians from the almost extinct race of druids. She was about five feet, four inches tall with a slender figure, and ample chest. Her blonde hair complimented her gray orbs and fair skin, making her look a lot younger than a certain woman in Gale’s mind. Although Silver looks like she’s in her early twenties, she’s actually ninety-two years old.

“Oh! Cedar?” She beamed at the young knight who was gawking at her with round eyes. “What brings you here?”

Facing the fantasy version of her mom, Gale couldn’t help but think how shocked her mother was when the news about her daughter’s unfortunate demise reached her.

Gale knew for sure that her family is hurting right now while being feasted on by the media. Probably because she's drunk at that time and who knows? It’s even possible that the incident about her boyfriend cheating on her was also already out in the public.

Feeling sorry for her family, her heart shook and tears threatened to fall but Gale sucked it all up. “I’m sorry for leaving you early, mom…” she mumbled.

“Hm?” Silver blinked with a question mark on her face as the Knight’s words were spoken in a slur. “What did you say?”

With a gentle expression, Cedar spoke, “My apologies. I was just in a hurry so I came here directly, thinking that you are here, Mo-- Ms. McFlynn.” Feeling awkward inwardly, he grinned bashfully at Silver. “I wasn’t feeling quite well and His Highness wanted me to take a potion.”

“I see. Then, follow me.” Prompting him to walk after her, Silver walked towards the infirmary.

The place was rather empty since it was such a peaceful time. Not to mention that medics are always stationed near the training grounds. So, there’s no need to come to the infirmary to treat minor injuries caused by practicing unless it was life-threatening, which was a rare case.

As Cedar’s excitement wore off, he could now feel the coldness of the surroundings permeating on his skin and his breath became more ragged than before.

“This… I think I’ve felt this before…” He thought as his sense of direction faltered. His body also numbed, crashing into something he couldn’t discern as his vision started to blur.

“...dar… Cedar!” He could only hear a faint female’s voice calling out to him as his body limped and darkness started to engulf his surroundings.

As he lost consciousness, Cedar finally remembered something.

When he was with his lover, he also felt the same symptoms. Dry throat, ragged breathing, fever, numbing, and disorientation. Furthermore, before the original Cedar fell into a deep sleep which led to his death, at the corner of his eyes, he saw a violet stalk of Armagunda in Isabella’s pouch on the bedside table.

It was a rare herb and a very potent poison without any taste or smell. It was known to slowly kill the person who consumed it.

Most likely, the poison was still in Cedar’s body and was still trying to kill him inside.

“Fuck. Am I dying not even a day after reincarnating???”

Knight 'n GaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon