Chapter 21: The Little Things

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In the morning I found several messages from Laurent wanting to come over. But me being myself missed it because due to oversleeping. I quickly replied to him then quietly went out of my room and into the kitchen. Letting my hunger get the best of me I started searching inside of my refrigerator looking for the leftover pizza from yesterday's day out. While I awaited for his response I decided on taking a shower as well as changing into my clothes.

 While I awaited for his response I decided on taking a shower as well as changing into my clothes

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After showering I quickly went back to my phone to see if he had replied to my surprise he hadn't. He was most likely busy with working or doing some other thing. So I decided upon myself on helping out my brother with some chores not only around the house but as well as going out to to do the laundry. I went over to the full laundry basket and started to carrying it downstairs as he was starting the car. As I was walking up the car I noticed a silent Ashley sitting in the front seat of the car with my brother. I honestly was expecting having some alone time with my brother since I hadn't really been able to hang out with him since first returning but I guess not. I fit the basket into the backseat before sitting down in the back. Trying to avoid any type of communication with her I quickly went through my purse looking for my earphones before plugging it into my phone.

I've been at the laundry mate for only a few minutes and I already knew that she was attempting to either make me angry or uncomfortable with her presence. But I was definitely not gonna let her get to me so I went my own way continuing to not look in their direction. I grabbed one of the carts and took out all of the whites and colored clothes and left the rest for Dominic. Then went toward one of the washers that were empty and stuck the clothes into the machine. I took out quarters from my baggy and plopped them into the coin box then the started it. From there I went to sit on the seats by the front windows then started going through my phone. Every once in a while I would look across the room to see what they were doing in which I was unpleasantly amused.

Ashley started coming toward me while my brother was still checking on both loads of clothing. She sat right beside me letting out a small sigh. I briefly looked up from my phone then continued doing stuff on my phone desperately avoiding Ashley. Just because she was his girlfriend didn't mean that I had to like her let alone all of sudden become buddies with her.

"Hey." She said gazing at me.

"Hi." I replied awkwardly not looking up.

"Your brother wanted me to come over." She said.


"He also wanted you to get to know me." She continued.

"He should have come over and told me that himself." I replied emotionless.

"Well he sent me." She snapped.

I turned off my phone and stared at her trying not to sound angry.

"I don't want anything to do with you. It's fine if you date him but leave me far away from your relationship."

"You tell him that yourself."

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