Chapter 8: The Fight

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By the time I woke up it was about 10:30. There was a lot of people moving around in the hall. The suns light was blasting through the window. I forgot to close them before falling asleep. I rubbed my eyes and slightly opened the curtain to see several people walking to the front of the bus, while others were laying in their bed relaxing. I closed it back up and reached for backpack laying on the corner of my bed as usual. I looked inside looking for something comfortable and stylish. I pulled out . I quickly changed and opened my curtain. I hopped off with my laptop and phone then walked to back. Larry was on his laptop doing something.The room was dark from the curtains to the windows being closed. I sat a few rows down from him on a couch. I gently set my laptop on the table and opened it. I was writing to my brother back home.

 I was writing to my brother back home

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(All through text)

'Hey. How's everything going. Is Mochi?' I asked.

Then went onto youtube and began watching one of my favorite youtubers. Just then Larry said something to.

"So your hanging out with my brother a lot." He said.

I nodded.

" He really likes you. That's all he talks about when he's with me." He said the last part with a little chuckle.

"Really?" I was said surprised.

"Yeah. It gets annoying after a while."

I honestly didn't know that he spoke about me other than when we were together. I guess I'm not the only one. I thought over it briefly before the creaking of the door behind us made me jump. It was Larry leaving. I guess he got bored and walked out or something. I continued my conversation with my

(Through text)

'Mochi's fine. He's still the same pretty much. And you?  How's everything going?' He replied.

'The show was amazing. I've never felt that much energy from the crowd before. Then after that everyone went to the club and partied for a little while to celebrate then came back to the bus. It was so much fun.'

'It seems like fun, but shouldn't you be tired. After doing all of that.'

'No, not really. Everyone came back at 3 in the morning. Then I watched a show with Laurent up until 5. Then feel asleep up until 20 minutes ago.'

'Since when did you start hanging out with him. I thought you liked him?'

'I started hanging out with him since you dropped me off at the airport. But I've texted him during break.'

'Oh okay. Just don't do anything stupid that you'll regret.'

'Nothing's going to happen. If something happens I'll tell you.'

'Sure you will.'

'I promise I will.'


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