Chapter 18: Family Bonding

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I threw my duffel bag over my back and went on the side of the bus to get my luggage. We eventually got onto the plane after an hour of waiting in the lobby. The crew was told that the flight was going to be about 30 minutes since we weren't far from the Las Angeles. I texted my brother that I was going to be at their airport in about an hour. I then sat in my seat next to Alexa for the next 45 minutes trying not to look out of the window of the plane. By the time we got to the airstrip of LAX it was about one in the morning. As I was getting my luggage from baggage claim I got a text from my brother telling me that he was already waiting for me.

I soon got outside and scanned the line of cars looked for my brothers car. Slowly his car approached the curb in front of me. He got out of the car and immediately went over to hug me.

"You grew a little." He said.

"What about you? You grew out your facial hair." I said happily.

"Yeah, I like it." He said caressing his facial hair.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too."

After a while of just standing their talking he helped me put everything in the back seat. I opened the car door and hopped onto the front seat. He began driving to our apartment.

"Where's Mochi?" I asked.

"He's as home. With mom and dad."

"You took him to Oakland?" I said.

"No, they came to visit."

"Mom is definitely going to cry." I said thinking about the reunion.

"Of course she is. She cried when she saw me." He said.

Prior to me leaving to go on tour we both hadn't seen our parents for about a year. Which was a bit hard on our mom since she was a big part of our lives.

He pulled up to the curb and parked in front of the door leading into the lobby. I took my bag as he got the luggage and headed into the lobby of the apartment. Then went up to the fifth floor of the building and down the hall. We both stopped in front of the door. He opened the door with his key and walked in.

"Mom. Guess who's here?" He said.

She turned the corner of the hall and ran over to hug me. I could hear her crying in my ear as she tightly hugged me.

"Mom you don't need to cry." I said kindly.

"I missed you baby." She replied.

Once she broke away from me she took of my duffel bag and put it against the wall.

"You grew so much since the last time I saw you. Your so slender." She said moving my head around.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's in the other room watching TV." She said wiping her tears off of her face.

I walked into the the living room and went over to my dad. Once he noticed that I was in the room he got up to hug me.

"How was your trip?" He asked.

"It was alright."

"Did you do anything fun?" He asked.

"Not really."

I then went into my room and saw a big dog laying on my bed. He immediately ran to me and tried jumping on me.

"Mochi. You've gotten so big." I said petting him.

He was wagging his tail back and forth fast. From there I went back with everyone.

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