Chapter 15: The Talk

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I looked up at the clock hanging above the sink which said it was seven thirty. It seemed a little early so I decided to change into my clothes and then go back to bed to get a little bit more sleep.

When I woke up I felt completely refreshed

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When I woke up I felt completely refreshed. I opened the curtain to find that everyone wasn't in their beds. I rolled back over to face the window. I spend about an hour on my computer replying to emails as well as contacting my manager about different other offers that she found for me. By the second hour of working on my laptop my body was cramping up from sitting with my legs straight. So finished doing my work in the back room. The reason I usually go into the back would be that there aren't people ever in the back. Making it more peaceful for me. As well as make me feel more relaxed. While I was finishing up my last email I got a text from my brother being concerned about me.

(Via Text)

'Janelle, your friends told me about what happened? How come you didn't tell me any of this?' He wrote.

I got scared knowing that I now had to explain everything that's happened between me Laurent since the beginning of the first tour. Hiding it from my brother was so that he wouldn't be worried about me. I also didn't want him to do anything crazy as a protective brother if my relationship ever came to this. But since he practically knows I might as well come clean about everything. No more keeping secrets from him.

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you worrying about me. Since me and Laurent aren't seeing each other anymore I figured I didn't have to tell you anything.' I wrote.

'Of course I'm going to worry about you. I'm your brother. You should have told me when you started this relationship with him.'

'It's not that serious anymore. Plus I'll be home in less than 3 days, so you won't have to worry.'

'Okay. So then how have you been? And this time be truthful. '

'Honestly I don't know. Ever since I broke things with him I don't feel the same. I just want to come home as fast as possible.'

'You will be. Like you said it's less than 3 days away. When you get here I promise you'll feel better.' He wrote.

"Hopefully. I'll talk to you later. We are about to stop at a gas station.' I wrote.

'Ok. Talk to you later.'

Then jumped off of my bed as the trailer was pulling into the gas station. I reached for my bag and rushed outside. Everybody was headed inside of the small store in hopes of getting stuff. Walking in the store I immediately went over to the aisle were they had all of the chips and got myself a bag of flaming Cheetos. I then scanned through the coolers looking for an Arizona. Once I had everything I wanted I went up to the cashier.

I watched as the cashier swiped each item across the machine. After I was done buying everything I took the bag and went back into the bus. I was super excited to eat these Cheetos since it's the first junk food I've had in a while. I began opening the bag up when Larry sat next to me and started talking to me.

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