Chapter 5: Club Part 1

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I went back to the bus and changed into my dress as well as touched up my makeup.

I went back to the bus and changed into my dress as well as touched up my makeup

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I jumped onto my bed and started doing my makeup. Lastly I put on my shoes, and grabbed my purse. I searched for my phone on the bed, then texted Alexa and Bianca in group chat.

(through text)

'Are you guys still going?' I asked.

'Yeah, it's going to be right down the street if you wanna walk.' Texted Alexa.

'I'm going to.' Responded Bianca.

'Cool.' I said.

'What time is it going to be at?' Asked Bianca.

'In 20 minutes.'

I looked around the room to see Laurent walk into the room. He was putting on his rings, then fixed his necklace. I watched him admirably. He sat down onto his brothers bed and fixed his sneakers. He was wearing a pair of red sneakers, a dark grey shirt with a gold chain, and black jeans. He put on a hat that said 'Different' on the front of it. Though he put it on backwards so that the front was facing the back of him. I loved his outfit a lot because it gave him a certain amount of bling and swag at the same time. Grabbing my backpack I went through it looking for my favorite perfume. I closed my eyes and mouth and spritzed it on me.

"Are you ready?" He asked looking up at me from his brothers bed.

"Yeah."I replied.

I reached out for my purse that was laying on the top of my bed and put in everything I would need. After the realization that I couldn't get down from my bed because I had already put on my heels, I asked him for help.

"Can I ask a favor?" I said.


"I need help getting down. I already put on my heels and if I just off I'm either going to fall or break my shoe."

He got up from the bed and walked over to me. He grabbed me by the top of my under arms and pulled me down. Slowly he set me down onto the floor.

"Thank you."

"Mhm." He responded.

I neatly patted down the bottom of my dress that was getting crumpled, and checked my makeup in the bathroom. Everything was looking good I thought to myself.

"Are you ready?" I asked Laurent from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for you."

"Okay, I'm ready."

I walked out of the bathroom to see Laurent waiting patiently next to the door.

"We're walking. " He said.

At the club, everything was extremely dark. There were couches all in one area in the back of the club. The bar was right in front of the entrance, and the dance floor was in the middle off the club. The DJ was directly in front of the dance floor. It was stuffy as I predicted it would be, and crowded. On top of everyone being there,there were people that were invited from the concert. I walked up the steps and walked over to the wall. Then leaned against it scanning the room. It was packed though most of the crowd was on the dance floor. I looked over to my right and saw Victoria and Ashley ordering drinks at the bar. Laurent left me to go to the bathroom. Then looked at Beyonce who was talking to the DJ about something. Then saw Alexa coming my way as well as Bianca.

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