Chapter 6: Club Part 2

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I walked over as fast as my heels would take me. He moved her hands from around his neck, and slide more back onto the couch. I could tell he was uncomfortable by the way he looked at her.

"Oh hey. Where's Victoria?" I asked Ashley.

"She's in the bathroom." She said.

"I'll talk to you later Laurent." She added then walked into the crowd.

I gave him his beer and opened my water bottle up. I took a sip of my water and sat on the edge of the couch sitting in front of him. I was slightly mad that she really tried to do something and made him uncomfortable. She pisses me off. He wrapped his arm around my waist and slid me back until my butt was touching his jeans.

"Thank god you came." He said.

"I see. She was trying to hard." I gave my opinion.

With my free hand I held onto his arm. I traced the shapes of his tattoos going down his arm.

"Your so beautiful. The dress fits you so good." He said in my ear.

"Thank you so much. You look good yourself." I said.

He leaned closer.

" I'm going to be honest with you, I want to kiss you so badly right now." He said.

" Why don't you then." I asked.

He didn't didn't respond. So I changed the subject.

"I understand that you want to be with me but if we're going to make this work, I don't want Ashley to jeopardize it." I said.

"I'll talk to her about it when I see her." He said calmly.

"Remind her that your already taken." I said half jokingly.

"Taken? Mhm I like the sound of that."

I giggled at what he said. I had an urge to have to go to the bathroom.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit."

He nodded and released his grip on me. I walked over to the hallway which was nearly pitch black if it weren't for the lights in the club. I entered the bathroom and went in the stall to do my business. Once I got out, I heard a faint whimper coming from the stall at the end.

"Hello.." I said.

There was no answer. I know I heard someone crying so I pretended to close the door to the outside so they'd think I was gone. Eventually the girl started crying again.

"Hello, can you please open up the stall?" I said calmly,

"I can't." Said the girl.

I instantly recognized the voice and demanded them to open the door.

"Victoria, Open the door. I'm not going to do anything to you,"

She slowly opened the door and let me through. Her face was puffy from crying and her dress seemed to be ripped in one spot. She had her head against the wall of the stall as she knelt down.

"What happened?" I asked concerned.

"Ashley happened. She noticed I was talking to Larry and went off on me. She commented on my weight, making fun off my features, and ripped a part of my dress off. She through some type of liquid on me, I don't know what it is." She said weeping.

I hugged Victoria.

"Oh sweetie, you can't hang out with her anymore. You can come with me, Bianca, and Alexa. You deserve real friends that don't put you down. And trust me, She's gonna get what's coming to her." I said.

I helped her up off of the floor. I grabbed a few of the toilet papers and handed it to her. She wiped off the tears out of her eyes. All her eyeliner smeared under her eye making it look like she had a black eye. I took out my makeup bag and took out a little wippy and started taking off the makeup under her eye.

"I'm going to add my eyeliner on you so you can look good again." I said.

She nodded.

I put on one of my brand new eyeliners that I just got. Then took out one of my foundations that was a few shaded darker for her. Carefully I applied a few dots under eye sockets, blending it in. I felt bad a for her really. What type of cold-hearted person would stoop that low to leave their friend crying in the bathroom? Another reason I should tell her off. And she really thinks she's going to get with Laurent now? Fuck that, I'm going to do everything in my power to get her jealous and pissed. It took a few minutes to get her looking good again and feeling good too.

I walked out of the bathroom with her.

"I need to find Bianca or Alexa." I said to myself.

I scanned the crowd looking for either of them. I found Bianca by the DJ talking with him about something. I walked through the crowd of people and went up to her.

"Bianca!" I said.

She looked over my way and saw Victoria.

"Guess what happened?" I said.

"What?" She responded.

"Ashley got mad at Victoria for talking Larry, and went off on her. She was in the bathroom when I found her crying."

"Oh My God." She said madly.

"Can you please keep her company? I don't want to stand up Laurent."


She took Victoria by the arm and began chatting.

As I turned back from them Victoria said to me;

"I'm really sorry for all the things I've done to you. Your a really good person. Laurent was good to pick you." She said apologetically.

"It's okay Victoria." I said then turned away.

I returned to my seat by Laurent. From the corner of my eye I saw Ashley watching me from the bar. I was going to get her back for what she just did. When I sat down, he grabbed my waist as usual and pulled me back. This time I made sure she was watching. I grabbed his other hand and wrapped it around my waist tightly. I noticed that he had finished his beer since it was sitting on the counter

"Did you miss me?" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled.

"Of course I did." He returned.

We spent the rest of the dancing and having a good time. It was about 3 in the morning when everyone finally go back to the bus.

Authors Note:

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating, I've been so busy with school that I just didn't have time. I'll try to update more.  Hope you liked this chapter!  ♡♡♡

Mrs. Right 》Laurent Bourgeois Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें