Chapter 10: Quality Time

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The energy from the crowd was amazing. My new costume change also gave me a bit more confidence in my singing. Soon after the last song was done and everyone was heading back into the dressing rooms to take everything off. I was suddenly approached by Laurent. He put his arm around my shoulder as I continued walking toward the ladies dressing room. I could feel his sweat dripping from his head as well as his chest. I tried not to look at him so I kept looking ahead of us.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"Can I talk to you once we get into buses? I want to tell you something." He said urgently.

"Um.. Yeah. Sure. What's it about?" I said contused yet nervously. He detected it quickly.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to be with you." He laughed a little.

I nodded my head suggesting that I was calm.

" Okay, I'll meet you in the back."

He walked me to the door of the dressing room and then leaned into me to give me a kiss on the forehead then scurried away. I walked into the dressing room blushing. I quietly changed into my sweat pants and t shirt and slid into my sneakers. From there I took out my rubber band out of my hair revealing my natural curls.

"I saw what you just did." I heard a familiar voice behind.

I turned around to see a jealous and steaming Ashley. I let out a little giggle but quickly covered my mouth.

"What the fuck are you laughing at Janelle." She looked at me in pure anger.

"Nothing." I said not wanting to start any problems.

"Exactly. I already told you I didn't want you messing around with Laurent."

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do."

"I'm going to make you regret still talking to him. Mark my fucking words."

With that she stormed out of the dressing room. I couldn't contain myself anymore and bursted out laughing. I continued packing my things which I left on stand such as my makeup. From there I walked back out and headed towards the trailer. By this time it was probably 10:50 and I was getting a little drowsy. Once I got to my bed I put my makeup bag at the edge of my bed leaning against the window. Then took out my bag for my bathroom accessories and pajamas then went into the bathroom. Before entering I told the crew that I was heading in to take a shower.

After my quick shower and brushing my teeth I went back to my bed and set everything in middle of the bed. I then closed the curtain and walked into the back of the trailer. It was completely dark inside of the room except for the light coming in from outside. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the room as I was looking around searching for Laurent.

"Laurent." I said normally.

I took a few steps toward the TV. I guess that he either isn't here or is trying to scare me.

"Laurent this isn't funny. If you don't respond I'm just going to go back to my bed." I said tired.

There was another few pauses before he replied from the couch.

"Okay Okay." He said from across the room.

He turned on the lights revealing him to be on a couch scrolling through his phone. I went over to him and sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around my hips and pulled me closer to him. He rested his head on my pelvis.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked waiting for answer.

"Mhm." He looked up at me.


"I was just kidding. I wanted to be with you."

He sat up next to me and began playing with my curls. He pulled them down then let them go making them bounces back up. I turned back to him and semi smiled.

"So there isn't anything you want to talk to me about?" I asked again.


"Then can I go to bed. I'm really tired".

"You can sleep here". He said half sarcastic.

"I can't sleep here. People are going to walk in then I'll be moved somewhere else."

"Nothing is gonna happen."

Since he wasn't going to allow me to go out I might as well sleep here. I stopped trying to talk to him about it and rested my head on the arm of the couch and slowly dosed off. The last thing I remember was Laurent putting a blanket over me and laying next to me.

When I woke up the sun was barely coming up. The lights were turned off so I could only see the outlines of everything. Laurent had his head rested on my stomach as he had his blanket over me while he had another on top of him. His arms were gripped around my stomach. I pulled up the blanket to cover my shoulders. His blanket was giving off his colon which smelled good. I close my eyes and tried to sleep a little longer until he shifted himself causing me to open my eyes. I faced the fact that I'm not gonna fall back asleep so I lifted myself up to where I am somewhat sitting up. Then went through my phone to see my feed on instagram. As well as update my brother on what has happened in the last day. After a while I got bored of not doing anything so I decided to walk out of the room. But as I started to move his arms he gripped me even tighter.

"Don't go." He said half asleep.

His voiced so sexy that I could hear it all day. I continued trying to move myself away from him.

"No. Stay here." He pulled me toward him.

"I have to go." I replied calmly.

He pressed his face into my stomach getting himself comfortable again.This is when I noticed that he had no shirt on which revealed most of his back which wasn't covered in blanket. I had no choice but stay there since he had a tight grip on me so I decided to give him a massage to try to wake him up. I ran my fingers up and down his back slowly to also tickle him. I pressed my fingers into his back making a circular motion all around his shoulders then making my way down as far as I could reach. I continued this for about 15 minutes until I got bored and decided to wake him up. I looked over at my phone to look at the time which was about 7:40.

"It's time to wake up." I said quietly.

He said something while having his face pressed on my stomach causing it to come out muffled.

"I didn't understand what you said."

There was a pause.

"I'm still tired. I don't want to move yet." He said.

I giggled for a second then began moving myself to wake him up. This time he didn't fight back he just let me get up. I took my phone and walked toward the door.

"You should probably get up and get changed." I said sarcastically.

He let out a sigh and continued to burrow himself in his blankets. I went out and into my suitcase which was on my bed and got the clothes that I was going to wear for the day.

Authors Note:

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Authors Note:

I'm finally out of school so I can update way more than I have been. I'dalso appreciate it if there any suggestions on what you'd like to see. ♡♡♡

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