Chapter 19: Date Night

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Author's Note:
(There's another sex scene at the end of this chapter. This time I made it more detailed as well as graphic so if you aren't comfortable with it then please skip the last few paragraphs.)

As we were saying our goodbyes they told us that they'd be back around Christmas time. Although I was going to be on the road I was probably going to Skype back home. Then from their we did a few errands such as washing the clothes that were dirty and going out to restock the fridge and returning something that my brother borrowed from one of his friends. By the time we got home from doing all of these things it was about four thirty. I was so tired that I laid on my bed and took a quick nap. I woke up around six thirty. Realizing I only had thirty minutes to fix myself I decided to stay in the same attire since it was a good date outfit. I went into my brothers room in which he was on his laptop doing something.

"I'm going to be heading out in a little bit." I said through the crack in the door.

"Why?Where are you going?" He said.

"I'm going on a date."

"Don't tell me it's with the same guy." He said turning around to look at me.

"We're working through our problems. This is part of it." I said.

Before he could respond I closed his door leaving him to think among himself.

As soon as I closed his door I heard a knock on the door. I quickly opened it to see a well dressed Laurent.

"Well don't you look dazzling." I said.

"You look amazing."

"Are you ready?" He asked calmly.

"Hold on one second." I said.

I went back into my brothers room and spoke to him through the crack again.

"I'll be back later." I said.

"Okay." He said still typing into his laptop.

I walked out and took my purse from the table. I then closed the front door behind me.

"I'm ready." I said looking at him.

He took my hand started walking downstairs and into the parking lot. I went over to his car and sat in the front seat. Once he got in he turned on his car and started to drive. I looked over at him and started to speak.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I'm going to take you out to dinner. Then I'm taking you my house." He said briefly looking over at me.

"Why to your house?" I asked.

"Because I have a surprise for you." He said.

I looked ahead at all of the cars passing by the other way. Once we saw the mall he parked in the parking lot. I got out and took his hand as we walked to the front of the restaurant. We waited a few minutes until the waiter took us to our table which was in the back of the restaurant. It was a little bit dark in the restaurant causing it to seem more intimate. As soon we both ordered our drinks and food I started looking through my phone until I noticed he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He continuing to look at me.

"It's not nothing." I said folding my hands on the table.

"Your just beautiful. Can I not admire you?" He said playing with his napkin.

I started blushing but he didn't really notice giving me a sigh of relief. As soon as the food and drinks came to our table we started eating. I hadn't ate that much food since the morning so I finished quickly. I then watched Laurent finish his plate before speaking to him. By the time we had payed our bill and got back into the car it was already nine. As we headed to his place I noticed that he wasn't wearing all of the rings on his fingers that he usually wears.

Mrs. Right 》Laurent Bourgeois FanficWhere stories live. Discover now