May get dicey once we start, so I'll fill in some stuff now. Tom is, and will be, nice as Jesus in this deposition. Surprisingly, brutal interrogation, like torture, does not work. It's for losers, lawyers with low self-esteem. Sweetness is the way. It's all about the love. When I face a lawyer who is a dick, we are already halfway to victory. Who wants to reward an asshole? Definitely not a jury. When I face someone who is kind and reasonable, that is a lethal opponent. Makes me nervous. Sometimes leads to a race to see who can be the most beautific. Today, Tom will be carefully laying the foundation for the extraction of every single page of hidden documents held by Nancy Grace and CNN. He will also get all the admissions that slip from a witness who is caught unprepared for Tom's flanking maneuvers of respect and compassion.

Tom is standing up, patting me on the shoulder, winks, and walking out for a quick break.

He is ready.

Court reporter arrived.

Still waiting on the video crew.

Video guy here. He's rushing around, sparking up his equipment.

We begin.

The witness is sworn in...

Going well. We are walking the witness slowly, very slowly, into our trap. In short, the trap is to have the witness disclose that despite the Court's Order to investigate and disclose documents, the defendant corporation failed to investigate and disclose anything.


So here's the secret trap. This is a Rule 30b6 deposition. 30b6 depos are routinely underestimated by corporate defendants and their lawyers. They are usually a big nothing. A nameless corporate exec shows up to identify docs and confirm business structure. Big yawn. But today we are using it as our invasion point to an undefended beach. Why? Because the executive is nearly always poorly prepared on the meat of the case. Why? Because corporations typically fail to do anything that is required for these exams. They blow it off. And Plaintiff's lawyers rarely call them on their lapse. This morning, in this deposition, CNN has, beyond our wildest dreams, walked directly into the set-up.

Lunch over. Back into the killing room.

CNN's defense lawyer is smart. Getting anxious. Objecting a lot. Splashing around in deeper and deeper water.

CNNs corporate lawyer is also here. She's getting impatient, frustrated, rapidly texting.

Taking a break before the next witness. CNN's two lawyers left the room. They don't seem to be talking.

The first witness was a CNN Vice President. No idea who's up next.


Ha! Nice, they're nervous.


Witness number two is another CNN Vice President, Very impressive Corporate Fortune 100 resume. Former senior executive at [Large Multinational Corporation], etc....blah, blah, blah....

This V.P. deals with Nielsen Ratings and focus groups.

2:30pm ......sleepy.... nappy time.....



I hear that.


I like this witness. Very direct, matter of fact, but she too has not anticipated Tom's advance.

They have figured us out! They are objecting to every question, but it's too late, man.

Deposition over!

Tom and I having a beer.

I fly home at 10pm.

I fly home at 10pm

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Thanks. But I still owe you this poem. I'm stuck on a line....


The Poem

And Heaven and nature sing,
when she smiles,
and I bubble like Red Pop,
till my grin is watermelon in July.
She sees this.
Notes my illness.
Shakes her head,
and thinks I am silly.
And I am.

Full Stop: Yes, of course, I am old enough to know better.

But she might be coming down with something.
Maybe a fever,
her voice feels a little warm.
And she may be smiling more than is healthy.
I see this.
Note her symptoms.
Shake my head,
and think she is silly.

And Heaven and nature sing.

[Note: Later that night, Jack flies from Atlanta to Denver. While driving home, he is rear-ended on the freeway by a driver who flees the scene. Jack's car is totaled.]

[⭐Vote⭐ for poetry and airbags!]

Photo 1: Car Accident Fire by Vainodesositis, 2017 (Pixabay # 2789841).

Photos 2-3: Taken and owned by the authors, 2016.

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