{Ch.10- Alone Time}

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       It's been a week and so far the losers and I have been having none stop summer fun

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It's been a week and so far the losers and I have been having none stop summer fun. Usually I would be in the house with the other kids in my home or tried to find a hiding spot to read in. But nope, I feel like the losers are trying to spend as much time as possible together.

"You're not so brave...you're not so tough....and they love you for it." A mysterious voice said from out of no where. I was in my room on my bed, reading a book that Ben had left here.

"Hello?" I asked to whomever was speaking, I put my book down flush on my chest and looked around.

"Drip...drip...drip..." it whispered ominously, I crawled so that my back was against my headboard.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked I kept looking for some type of logical explanation or reason.

"Up here."It said, I felt a thick sticky substance drip down on my leg. I glanced up and was met with a clown...the clown from before. Except this time its face was mangled and distorted.

I screamed and tried my best to run away, which is something I should've done in the first place. It quickly grabbed me and pulled me up so I was close to my ceiling. It turned me around and scratched me, bruised me, and just tortured me. It growled as it hung me over it's mouth by my foot.

And with one last scream I closed my eyes and awaited for my fate. Never did I think my rug would be that fate. I looked at my brother from my place on the floor. He had a metal pole in his hand and kept swinging it at the beast. It's nails turned into razors and it slashed his arm, he held it in agony with a cry of pain.

I thought fast and ran out into the hall and all the way to John and Reya's room. I slid under their bed and grabbed John's shot gun and the bullets. As I made it to my room I started to load the gun.

I planted my feet, aimed the gun as it held my brother in the air and tousled his around, "hands off the little brother." I said to it as I pulled the trigger. It screamed and the inertia threw me back a bit. I kept doing that until it hit my window. And with one final swing of his bat, my brother hit him as he crashed out of the window. Shattering it.

We breathed heavily as we both ran to the window and looked out to see if it were dead or not. When we peered our where the sill would be, it was no where to be seen. Just pieces of broken glass and a huge red imprint.

"What the hell was that?" My brother heaved as we both sat against my farthest wall on the floor.

"I don't know, but we're not staying here to find out," I said and began to pack my bag, "go to your room and pack anything valuable. We're leaving." I ordered him to do the same. He nodded and ran out of my room with the pole in his hand.

I hurried, not wanting that thing come back. I started to think about any place we could go. I didn't want to lead that thing to any of the losers' homes, I guess we're ruffing it in the woods.

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