{Ch.3- Bevvy the Beauty}

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      She was quite stunning, the red was

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She was quite stunning, the red was. She looked to be someone you'd always want in your life. That's who she was for me, at least. Beverly Marsh, a short-haired, red-headed, intellectual that was even more endearing when she finally hunted me down.

I was at the park in a tree where I sat atop one of the lower branches. A sketchbook in hand and my bag on my back. I felt a light tap on my sneaker, and looked down to see the one and only Beverly Marsh.

"Hello, Moxie." She said looking quite shy and small, but then again I was in a tree.

"Hello, Beverly." I nodded at her, smiling. She put her hands behind her back and shifted between her feet.

She closed one eye from the sun in her eyes, "Why are you up there?" She asked curiously.

"Hm, new perspective." I said lifting my sketchbook so she could see it. She nodded and made a face as if she was saying 'ooohhh'.

"Well, can I come up then," she stalked closer towards the base of the tree,"if you don't mind the company."

"Of course, I'd love some company." I said to her she took a deep breath and then began her climb.

I scooted over for her and smiled when she got to me. She got comfortable quickly then started to speak once more,"There's a reason I came over here to talk to you."

I put my sketchbook away to give her my undivided attention,"oh?"

"Yeah, I wanted to say 'thank you.' So, thank you." She said with a small giggle. It made me laugh.

"What exactly are you thanking me for?" I asked, tilting my head a bit. I was confused as to what favors I had did. I don't remember anything specifically.

"The last day of school, you stood up for me. You totally kicked ass." The red complimented. We laughed at her comment together. In a tree. On a summer's evening. For a moment I thought it would last until morrow's early eyes opened and we drifted into those hours.

"It was nothing, it was actually you doing them a favor, they needed it." I said smiling at the ground and swinging my feet. I could see her staring at me from my peripheral.

I turned towards her and asked, "why does everyone always stare at me like that, I mean I'm used to it, but why?" I never knew I would ever have to ask a question like that.

"You don't know," she asked as if it was obvious,I shook my head, "you've been deemed hottest girl in Derry. Everyone in school says it and mostly likely if everyone in school knows it then the whole town knows."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down then back at her, "does everyone really think that," she nodded, "then it's a lie."

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