{Ch.7- You've got Moxie}

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      "You're not so special, you float amongst the other orphans in this world

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"You're not so special, you float amongst the other orphans in this world. You're 15, no one is gonna adopt you."

"I know." I knew this information. No one wants me, no one loves me, and no one ever will. Would you like to know why? It's because no one gets me. My expectations are low, I don't expect anyone to get me and they don't. So everyone is just following suit, following my plan.

"You're gonna die alone, you'll float, just like the rest of them. They all float. And you'll float too." The voice I was hearing turned dark and deep, almost otherworldly. I was dreaming, I always dream the same thing. I'm alone in a negative space where everything is shapeless and white. But there is a voice talking to me. Telling me all the bad things I kept to myself. But this was different.

I snapped my eyes open, Richie had his place on the floor from where he'd slept last night. I looked at the clock on my nightstand table, 4:30. I was in a sweat and in the middle of a hot flash. I closed my eyes and breathed, trying to calm myself down. When I opened them I was met with glowing yellow eyes that left me paralyzed. There was no body attached to them they just floated there. I closed my eyes once more.

I squeezed them so tight it hurt and I probably looked like I had some type f stomach issue. But I couldn't care. All could do was scream. My blankets started to wrap themselves around me tightly and push me into the mattress. It was like I was in the ocean and couldn't swim or break free. Like I had chains on my body.

Then suddenly they calmed, they were still encasing me, though, I was not in danger. I lope ed my eyes one last time and it was to see the same clown I was trying to convince myself was an illusion of hysteria.

"You've got Moxie," it paused as it hovered over me, "and now I do too." It's voice turned into the otherworldly one from my dream and my covers began to engulf me once more. Like a whale trying to swallow me whole. I screamed until they covered my mouth and shut my eyes one last time but was suddenly shook and released from my soft prison.

"Moxie, wake up, What the fuck is wrong with you? Please don't die, Bill and Mike would kill me." Richie pleaded as his hands were on my shoulders, shaking me to death.

I woke with a heavy breath, the sun was suddenly out and the birds were chirping. I don't think I've ever been so happy to wake up in the morning. I was so happy that I pulled Richie into a tight hug, one like Simone's when he had helped me from my last experience.

"Moxie, if you wanted to fuck all you had to do was ask, Bill and Mike could've dealt with it." He joked.

"I'm never gonna say this again so listen good trash mouth," I told him before speaking again, "I've never been so glad to see your face first thing in the morning."

"Well fuck." He answered before sitting up out of our hug. He had looked at me with a small smirk on his face and a look of friendly endearment. He put the back of his hand on my forehead and then quickly pulled it away, feeling the sweat of my head.

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