{Ch.2- angry asthmatic}

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      "Do you think they watch us, like, from a poofy cloud where they always know we're fine," He paused for moment to lean his head on mine once more, "are we fine?"

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      "Do you think they watch us, like, from a poofy cloud where they always know we're fine," He paused for moment to lean his head on mine once more, "are we fine?"

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

      "Us? No, but as long as we're not fine together then we can do anything, including fuck up as much as we possibly can." I answered him.

     He was, again, quiet; he didn't know what to say until, "I'm sorry."

     I didn't even know what he was talking about, "Sorry for what Simon?" I asked my little brother as we sat on my bay window seat. Chatting it up on a summer's night waiting for what should happen to us by sunrise. 5 am.

      "Not being able to be a better brother." He answered simply, I looked over at the corner seeing her. Reya at the door in the corner of my room. Smiling at us, she tries, she tries real hard.

"I'm sorry, too." I said to Simon but looked at her. She just kept on walking down the hall with a smile on he face and a hand on her chest.

I don't know how long we stayed there but when I had blinked it was night, but when I opened my eyes again it was 10:43 am.

Simon and I were sprawled on the floor. Limbs everywhere, my natural hair covering my eyes a bit. My hair was very tight and crinkly. It reached just below my shoulders. Simon had nice hair, I mean, I'd hope so since I'm the one who cut it. Our caretakers don't know what to do with our hair, they're a whole other race than us. Which is something I haven't seen around here. Maybe that's why I don't have many friends?

"Moxie, wake up, Moxie." I felt my brother shaking me, even though I was already awake. I just simply inhaled and exhaled really hard then turned around.

      "What do you want?" I asked irritated that he woke me up even though I was already awake, it's the principal of the thing.

      He held up an empty medicine bottle, "you ran out of meds?" This boy must be hurting like crazy. Simon has these weird back pains all the time, it's because his lungs are too big for his rib cage.

     "Prescription needs to be filled, can you pick it up for me while I get the heating pad?" He asked pleadingly, I sighed then smiled.

"Of course, I'll be back soon." I said jumping up and going to the bathroom, fixing up my hair. I went to go grab the door knob but the door slammed shut, thinking it was a gust of wind, I tried to open the door but it wouldn't. The bathroom door locks from the inside.

I simply shrugged and went to look in my sink cabinet for something that could help me but when I turned around I saw them. Reya and my mom, well, when I knew my mom.

Reya was in one corner and my mother in the other. Then they yelled, screamed and hollered at me. Each trying to get me to go to them.

"C'mere, Moxie, I'm your mother now. I've kept you here." Reya said to me, holding her arms out.

"Only for 5 months, you've been my foster mother for 5 months." I argued calmly.

"See, she doesn't want you," my mom told the other woman, "I'm your real mother, I put you into this world."

"I don't know you and you don't know me, you have never known me." I started to slowly draw back from the two.

They went back and forth like that for awhile, "Moxie, I take care of you, aren't you grateful?"

"You didn't want me." I said, my eyes stinging slightly. There's no way I'd ever let myself cry over this... monster.

"Come over to me, sweetie," my mom started, "you killed me, you owe me."

Then it all shifted, they became angry and lunged at me. I put my hands up and waited for them to come for me but it didn't happen as fast as I thought. I opened my eyes and looked at them as they both looked at me and simultaneously said, "we don't love you."

Then they pushed me so far back into the door that it flew off it's hinges and I hit the wall so hard it nearly shook the whole house.

I laid on the floor to catch the breath that was knocked out of me. Then I heard heavy foot steps coming towards me. I just looked at my ceiling and accepted my fate.

"Are you okay, what happened, how do you feel?" Simon.

I pulled him down and hugged him tightly towards me. I could've crushed him to death. Sighing in relief and squeezing my eyes shut.

"I've never been more relieved to hear your voice before this, Si." I told him.


After that whole altercation I finally got out of the house. Running past my broken bathroom door and not before getting yelled at by Reya.

I turned a corner and saw the group of kids from yesterday at the end of it. They were all joking around and laughing and then one of them looked at me, Mike. He turned towards the others and said something quietly; the rest of the kids turning their attention towards me.

I looked down at what I was wearing to see if I looked ridiculous or something. Nope, red and white striped crop top, white shorts and a pair of worn down shoes.

A boy with thick lensed and rimmed glasses started to joke with a smaller boy. They began pushing each other harshly. The smaller one dropped his inhaler. Right in front of my feet.

They all stopped their conversation and looked at each other and then me in worry. I tilted my head and bent down to pick up the boy's belonging and reaching out for him to take it.

They all stood frozen and watching me.

"Here's your inhaler, sweets." I said to him to get his attention. He blinked a few times until the boy next to him nudged him harshly.

"Uh, thank you." He said and took it from me, his hand brushing against mine.

I smiled at the red-cheeked boy then to Mike, "Hi, Mike." He returned a smile and did a small wave before replying.

"Hi, Moxie, I see you aren't in jail, yet." He chuckled as his friends murmured and shared different expressions at our interaction.

"Darn, looks like I was wrong." I shrugged jokingly at the statement.

"You, know Mike, but you're hot?" The boy with glasses asked. Before being hit and reprimanded by the rest of the group.

"Shut up, Richie!" The asthmatic boy yelled. Startling me for a minute, I snapped my gaze to him then giggled.

"Well, aren't you an angry asthmatic?" I giggled making the boy blush murmuring a 'yeah'.

We stood there awkwardly for a second. All of them staring at me, "Well, I gotta go, but maybe I'll see you all around sometime?"

They were all quick to nod, "Bye, Mike."

"Bye, Moxie."

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