{Ch.17- Saved by the Jew}

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  — short chapter

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— short chapter

For once I was okay with running for my life. It was following me, I was had just left the house when I saw my mother...he throat was slit and her eyes as dark as the night that I was running through right now. I saw her in the backyard at first and well, I figured someone should lead her away. I chose myself to die for the cause.

I grabbed my bag filled with supplies that was near my bedroom door, the one from that one night, and bolted down the street. Her hair flowed to almost a blue and her skin was dingy.

I didn't think about where I was going I was just going. I didn't even tell Simon, Bill, John, no one, I just ran with this horrendous thing behind me. I calmed myself and stopped to try to catch my breath or think. Thinking was good, thinking was always a good option. I heard a low growl, I looked around me in search of something to use as a weapon — Nothing.

It growled again, I don't know what but I wasn't going to stop to find out. I looked to my left to see the greatest thing to ever exist in my time of need, plan B. My overprotective sister skills have saved me once more. I ran through the small opening in the woods, in this moment I didn't even care about me, my life, nor my death. I just cared about my Losers. They didn't deserve to go through this again...things were finally starting to get back to normal again.

I turned around to make sure It...she...was behind me. And of course the most beautiful women I've ever known, by first love, my wonderful dead mother was behind me. She smiled wickedly as a tear slipped down her cheek. It made her do this, to make it look like it was my fault, and maybe it was, but I can't feel sorry if I never knew her.

I don't know how long I was running for, but I was so tired. My legs grew tired and my head was pounding. My heart m and lungs, my skin was slick with sweat, and all I wanted was for this to be over. I had lost my shoe awhile ago and my hair came out of its puff, there's only one thing that anyone would run that hard for — their life.

I stopped and hunched over so that my elbows were on my knees and my legs were slightly bent. I hope that this ends, where'd it's my life that does or I can just hide forever.

I sat up straight and looked around, soon to be met with something throwing me against a tree. It held me there , my eyes clenched shut and I grit my teeth as it dug its nails into my neck slightly. It was a threat — like it was saying 'stop running or else'. I opened my eyes to see the familiar, reckless clown.

It's face slowly morphed into my mother's, "Stop struggling you little slut." She spat in my face. I kicked it in the side real hard, it dropped me — hard.

Gabe's face slowly came into view, I was on the ground looking up, the stars were behind him, "you're gonna die alone." He said calmly and slowly for me then disappeared.

The atmosphere around me changed, I felt okay. I guess that's what happens when you're in the process of dying. What even is dying? Living is dying with more stress and dying is living with a sense of wisdom.

I looked up at the stars and the sky, my vision began pan focusing on the stars then the moon. The clouds were dark and looked as if the sandman turned them out like lamps. I struggled to breathe and to feel. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, the heart was cold, like my body was. I looked up once more and saw that there was a flower tree above me, the petals were falling on my body. Mother Nature was dressing me up to live along beside her as a pupil for her work.

"Goodbye, John." I blinked.

"Goodbye, Ben." I inhaled.

"Goodbye, Beverly." I felt my eyelashes against my cheek as I squeezed my eyes together.

"Goodbye, Stanley." I turned my head.

"So long, Eddie." I began to weep.

"Goodbye, Richie." My voice cracked.

"Goodbye, Mike." I shuddered

"Goodbye, Billy." I hate myself.

"Goodbye, my stuttering stud."

I then saw a bright light and my eyes fluttered close. It started to sprinkle, no, not raining, sprinkling. It was soft and gentle, my life was some cliché movie...but if it really were then I would've died from an illness instead of a demon clown.

I felt all of my muscles relax and my neck tightened from my sobbing. My mouth was bitter and my eyes stung.

I love you, Losers.

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