Part 10

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Taylor's Pov

Everyone awe'd as Savanna and I fell together in each others arms. I thought, This is how it's suppose to be. 

I pulled away, and looked into her eyes. She smiled, and wrapped her hands around me. She wanted a hug. I hugged her back, and kissed her forehead. 

Shawn gave Greyson the box, and I pulled away from Savanna. 

Greyson handed me the box, and Savanna looked at me confused. 

"Savanna Renee Blanchard. I love you with every ounce of anything in my body. You complete me. You make me go crazy. You make me act crazy, and you just make me who I am. I wouldn't be the man I am today, with you you. I wouldn't have fell in love.  I wouldn't have the most adorable child. I wouldn't have started vine. I would have nothing. I'd be ordinary. But you make me feel special. Like its not gravity holding me to earth. It's you. Its you and only you." 

I paused and looked to her. Tears were flowing but she hand a smile on her face. I smiled. 

"I know I've made horrible mistakes. But I want to give us another try. I want us to work. We are forever and always."

I took out the ring. It was a infinty ring, and it was made out of dimonds. 

"This isn't a proposal, but its a promise ring. It promises, I will cheerish you, love you, protect you, make you laugh, make you smmile, make you feel better when your hurt, and everything inbetween. " 

She giggled and looked me in the eye. 

"So I guess the only logical question to ask is, if you, Savanna Renee Blanchard, would do me the honor, of being my beautiful, Girlfriend?" 

For a moment everything was silent. You could hear a pin drop. 

I looked at her face. 

She smiled, and looked at me. 

"A million times yes!" She screamed, crashing her moist lips, on to mine. I held her close as if in seconds she could dissapear. As if she would just break. 

Everyone in the crown Cheered in happiness.

Someone yelled "Saylor for forever!" Savanna looked in the girls area and held a heart up. Everyone screamed.

I looked at her in pure amaze. Her cheek bones, were so specific, along  with her eyes. Light brown eyes, that twinkle every time she see's something she likes. She's perfect. She's a perfect girl  for anyone. She had Braces, because when she had Greyson she couldn't afford it. So, now she has invisiline. ( IDK HOW TO SPELL THAT)

I kissed her once more, forcefully, and she kissed back, with just as much force. She Pulled away and said, "I missed this so much." "I missed it to babe.""  I said smiling.

I can't believe I got her back.

She means so much to me.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

And to be honest, I don't want to.

"We will finish this later."  She said smirking. She walked away, and went to Greyson.

Damn. I know shes the one.


Savanna's Pov

I walked to Greyson and picked him up. "I love you buddy."  "I love you to mommy!"

The boys started to say goodbye, so Greyson said bye, as I did.

"So, since this was a special magcon, everyone here gets to meet us!" Dillon said.

Everyone screamed.

I love our fans.


Hope you liked this chapter! I was so happy writing it! Its somewhat short but its my favorite chapter.

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