Wired (Ruechari)

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He got the wire

It came from Myna, from BG.

About Loren caught in the crossfire

Margarita tried to poison Billy.

It tore at his heart

That they were apart

He swore to protect

And now through neglect

His sister came to harm.

He was set and packed

When a deputy called him back

Another wire from 3Gun

There seemed cause for alarm.

3Gun was coming with Margarita

And bringing CG, Oh what fun.

Shocked he read CG murdered someone

Her uncle, with a gun.

Now he couldn't go

He had to stay

Sworn by duty

Until they came this way.

In little more than a day

3Gun was there had a lot to say

Ambushed, they took CG

Could Lorne tell them at BG

He had to get out of there

He had no time to spare

Lorne just got done his note

The telegraph officer

Said, "One more, Marshall."

It was from AJ and he wrote. 

Marshall Order,

Loren is in desperate need

to see her brother

Come with speed

Her memory she lost.

She's mighty scared.

Wants to leave ASAP

But is unprepared.

Still not steady on her feet

Please wire back when we may meet.

It only took a moment

To think what this may mean

No more BG, and Saloon Singer scene

If she's forgotten and wants to come back home

He can keep her safe as promised,

What an interesting conundrum.

If she's forgotten all about AJ

Loren would have no reason to stay.

He could take her away.

To BG and AJ she'd say Good-bye

And he'd be the hero not the bad guy.

He felt a bit of a nagging guilt

"No use cryin' when the milk's

been spilt."

"At least this time it's not by me.

And I get Loren out of BG.

If only I can could get Myna to see

We could all be together 1, 2, 3"

He sent a wire back

"Be there ASAP

Tell her to wait for me."

I'll bring Loren home

No longer will she roam

And perhaps Myna too

There was only one thing to do.

And now that 3Gun had come and gone

It was time to go and collect Loren

He left instructions for his deputy.

To take Margarita into custody.

He will deal with her

Upon his return

He needed to leave

He had greater concerns

He grabbed a box from under the bed

And unlocked it,

Took out his mother's diamond ring

And slipped it in his pocket.

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now