Ricky Rat (leandralynx)

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Ricky Rat

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Ricky Rat

After the great Jamboree,

In Tent City, life went on as every day.

No, not quite.

There and here, singing could be heard in the streets.

And sometimes feets moving to some crazy beats.

Enough! Horrible song after song, then...

Children were running past, the tune so catchy,

He had to bit his lip not to sing along.

Just all you wait! Tex Mex is gonna return,

and soon, Rick will be watching

another building's burn.

Until then, he would go for a walk;

The best inspiration came when having one to talk.

Though, his thirst for beer and whine

Forced him to decline any invitation, he got-

He didn't much mind,

to him, human company didn't mean a lot.

A dog, a beagle drew near,

its whole body showing fear.

Rick stopped, stretched out a hand.

The beagle's nose drew very close;

And Rick was greeted like an old friend.

The poor excuse of a Saloon's doors flew open wide,

Rick himself hit with all might

By a stranger's back and fell:

"What the hell-?!"

The beagle had high- tailed.

The rest went under a harsh voice:

"It's no fun, anymore! It's just the first wave of settlers that has come;

this place, dogs will overrun."

Rick shrugged. "What a piece of luck, he thought,

my pet is just a rat."

Then it was dawning on him,

the temptation far too great,

Rick spun around to get his stuff-

For a "dog horoscope", he hoped,

he wasn't already too late.

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now