Brain stormin' - What Next? (crazyp01)

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Brain stormin' - What Next?

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Brain stormin' - What Next?

Sittin' on the trunk

thinkin' what to do?

Rumors and gossip

created by Lou.

She supposed to my informer

she ain't done any, recently!

Nosin' around, askin' for dough

arguin' with everyone, ceaselessly.

CM and Kitty back at the quarters

Little Ron too.

Got to get myself back

bid the hotel an adieu.

What of the talk...

created by the latest edition.

An indirect effect on the Sheriff

would it be considered, an admission?

Stayin' would be no better

increasin' the speculation.

Helpin' to establish an aspiration,

about a rumored secret affirmation.

The sheriff doesn't care

so why should I?

Either one, doesn't matter.

when it's all a lie!

Enough! That's it!

no more takin' the back seat.

Matters need to be settled

Full, final, concrete!

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now