"Wayfaring Stranger" (baileygaines)

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Wayfaring Stranger

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Wayfaring Stranger

The sun was just setting over the town

When Ross "Buck" Buchanan rode into BG.

He was tired, near expired,

It was easy to see.

He rode up the main street,

Stopped at the saloon,

And tied up his horse,

He'd been riding since noon.

Buck ordered a drink,

And slouched at the bar.

Breathing a sigh of relief

That he'd made it this far.

"I'd best look around,

And find the hotel.

Grab somethin' to eat,

And then rest a spell."

Buck thought to himself

As he nodded to sleep,

"Might end up in the road

'Cause I'm so darned cheap."

His sleep grew deeper

As he reclined on his elbow.

To wake up and stay up,

He'd need a strong cup of joe.

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now