Arrived (AmbergrisJane)

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Gyn locked up the cafe,

8 p.m., done for the day.

As she walked home, she met riders on the road,

A lady and a man, who was unconscious and injured.

The lady saw Gyn and begged for aid,

Gyn told her to follow, "Doc's this way."

She ran up ahead, the couple followed,

Luckily meeting Billy on the road.

"Ill handle this Gyn." Said Billy,

"Can you go get the sheriff for me?"

Gyn nodded and searched for 3Gun,

She found him at his spot in the saloon.

Gyn told 3Gun of the injured riders,

Said Billy was with them at the docs.

"I think they're on the run," Gyn added,

They walked to the doc's with hurried steps.

They found Billy waiting outside,

Told the sheriff to expect visitors tonight.

"What do you mean?" Asked 3Gun.

"She spoke Chinese but kept saying the name Carson."

"A little help, Gyn?" 3gun said.

Gyn nodded and approached the lady,

Told her to tell the whole story.

Gyn's eyes widened as the tale began to unfold,

She quickly told 3Gun of what she learned.

"She's Qi, sheriff, the man's named Mo,

They escaped from camp the night before.

Said she knew AJ, he helped them escape,

Because Mo was being forced to a fight in two days.

AJ told them they should look for BG,

He told to ask help from the sheriff.

They were being chased since dawn,

By the railroad boss, Arnie Carson."

Soon enough, four riders arrived,

Rifles slung out, dead cold eyes.

One man tipped his hat to 3gun,

Introduced himself as Arnie Carson.

"A couple of my workers ran off from camp,

You know, sheriff, that's a breach of contract.

I think they're in your town, Mo and Ms Qi,

Hand them over, or it's trouble for you."

*Qi- is pronounced as Chiu

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