Lost and Found (AmbergrisJane)

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Lost and Found

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Lost and Found

Loren did just as she said,

The baker's side, she never left.

But AJ told her not to worry,

"We already informed 3Gun, by telling Billy."

Loren approved of what he said,

Past midnight, she agreed to go back to the hotel.

She kissed AJ, "I'll be seeing you tomorrow?"

AJ smiled reassuringly, "that's for sure."

AJ waved goodbye as she went in,

Walking home, his thoughts were churning.

And then he saw what he didn't want to see,

The old man, Burt Carson and his posse.

Six men in total, AJ counted,

The baker knew he was outnumbered.

If he ran, he'd still be caught.

He decided to face them instead.

Burt Carson began to talk.

"Good evening, son. It's me from earlier,

You said we haven't met yet, but I want to be sure.

If you told the truth, my boys and I go,

If you lied, well, you already know."

Without warning, the men jumped AJ,

He tried to fight, but they got him restrained.

Carson tore his shirt, found the brand in his back,

"You lied to me, son, that's a matter of fact."

AJ knew something had to be done,

He began to fight back, he won't be taken.

One, two, three men, fell hard,

He was on to the next, when all went dark.

AJ crumpled, conscious but dazed,

Carson stood over, his rifle in display.

"I went to this town looking for gold,

But it's you I find, back from the dead.'

"But what the hell happened to you, son?

I say you've gone soft, staying in this town.

You'd take no beating when you were a coolie,

You used to fight better when you worked for me."

With the rifle butt, AJ was again hit,

This time he went straight to sleep.

"Tie him up, boys, were ridin' out of town,

We're returning this one to where he belongs.

He owes the company, owes me some too.

He'll pay breaking noses, and digging tunnels or two."

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