A Favour Bartered (lyttlejoe)

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A Favour Bartered

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A Favour Bartered

Will stood proudly

sample case on the bed

"What do you need, Sheriff?

I've got it all, let it be said."

"Can you use that Colt,

or is it just for sale?"

"Won me a blue ribbon.

I can tell you the tale."

"No need, thanks.

But I have got an ask."

"At your service, Sheriff.

What's the task?"

3Gun explained

about the prisoner transfer

How the Marshall couldn't manage

and would Will be the answer

He told him how long

Three days there and back

He'd be a temporary deputy

In case of attack

No sugar coating

The trip could be trouble

Will gazed out the window

Rubbed a hand on his stubble

"Is it deputy's pay

the whole three days?"

"That and a bonus,

you tell 'em 3Gun says."

Will picked up the Colt

"When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow at dawn."

He'd get it done, 3Gun did believe

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now