Mean Mines (Leandra Lynx)

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Mean Mines

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Mean Mines

"What are you saying now... Historian?" Alister asked without a grin and tossed his hat away like a paperball into the bin. "Admit, you've been wrong all along." Coughing, he sank down onto his knee.

"Hush! Only a reading mistake it might be, Stray Dog remarked, eyes still on the old map of BG.

"The Bitchin' Ditch..." he raised a pencil.

"What hope would lead you into this vast void? All mines, we've ever seen..."

"...Are haunted by now. How mean! Alister, Stray Dog cut off, wasn't our situation clear?" Voice honey thick, deep and lowered so that Dusty Doug had to turn the head to better hear.

"Which mine's next?"

"Argentum Rex."

"Silver King? You mean...?"

"Not so fast, young man!" Stray Dog rolled the map, stuffed it into his bag and mounted, the name's a fraud, has always been."

A few steps taken, and they were forced to a halt. "Sheeps! You won't believe!"

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