AJ's Revenge (lyttlejoe)

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AJ's revenge

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AJ's revenge

They arrived at dusk

horses lathered and tired

confirmed with others

that Carson was fired

Mo as promised

brought 3Gun and Billy

they needed a plan

not somethin' willy nilly

Mo said the old barn

with the lights

was where Carson

always staged his fights

He and his crew

would be there now

as to takin' them down

the question was how

"Head on," said Billy

checkin' his gun.

"Inside the barn

where there's no chance to run."

They walked to the barn

heard the cheering inside

pushed open the doors

and the noise all died

There were ten men in the barn

and a makeshift ring

but no sign of AJ . . .

not a good thing

Arnie Carson barked a laugh

and called to Burt, his brother

"This here's the Sheriff of BG,

not sure who's the other."

"Well they brought Mo back,

guess they saw the light.

Get in the ring, Mo.

Let's see you fight."

"Hang on there, pardner.

We're here for AJ

and none of you fellers

better get in the way."

"Oyl take 'im, Carson,"

said the big Irish lug.

"Sure'n this Mo mug's

one pitiful pug."

Two swagger steps forward

then stopped in his track

Mo laid out the Irishman

flat on his back

Mo's lip was bleeding

but just from a scratch

The unconscious Irishman

had been no match

Out came the guns

Arnie ran for the door

3Gun and Billy

each got four

Outside they heard screamin'

and rushed out to see

AJ had Carson

down on one knee

Some whispered words

and AJ did a spin

His lightning fast kick

broke Carson's chin

The men all embraced,

a job well done

They could all head back home now,

no more need to run

lyttejoe's Busted Gulch vol. 5Where stories live. Discover now