Hey Lou! (Ruechari)

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Hey Lou

Restless Billy chose to go

To Tent City to see what Lou did know.

"So you all got together without me?"

"It's not like you think," said Billy.

Lou shrugged...

"Are those muffins from AJ?"

"You would have been invited

But you DID proclaim the Sheriff gay."



"I said, "May be gay."

"And the distinction is?"

"The proof is his to give."

"You're going to get yourself in trouble."

"You have to admit they make a cute couple."

He knew she was talking of the Sheriff and CG.

"Look if you have information

I need you to give it to me."

"I will but not for free."

"You got your muffins."

"You can stuff 'em."

"I want real dough

If you want the info."

"Fine, tell me what you know."

"In BG there is a spy

Feeding Tex info on you guys."

"Do you know who?"

"Afraid not," said Lou.

"But you have your suspicions?"

"Yes, and she works in AJ's kitchen?"

"Not GYN!"

"Don't be dense!

It's Margarita that needs 

a good defense."


It hit him like a brick

"That's who she reminds me of!"

The fact that he could miss something

so obvious made him sick.

"They must be related but how?"

"Don't see where that much matters now?"

"You're right. Anything else I should know?"

"Depends...where's my dough?"

He should have known she wouldn't let that go.

He handed her some money.

"Now come on and tell me!"

She handed something to Billy.

"Is this legit?"

"If it wasn't you wouldn't have it."

"You think this is why she quit?"

Lou shrugged.

"Oh Hell!!! 3Gun's gonna have a fit!"

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