The Day Before - Part 2 (crazyp01)

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The Day Before – Part 2

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The Day Before – Part 2

Lookin' in the sheriff's

chocolate brownie eyes

It was definitely worth

Another try.

"The truth is...

I won't lie

There were circumstances but...

The warrant I won't deny.

We've both got

Our own past

Which neither of us

Likes to broadcast.

You changed your name

It was your choice

I changed mine

I had NO choice.

So, you see, there's no way

That it could be...

Someone from that time...who knew

The past... must have recognized CG.... Me.

That warrant had to be dug up

It's really, really old

Then how can it have a name

That I took on, after the incident, did unfold?

You're the sheriff

You know what to do

Speak to deputies

Speak to Lou, ask them, to look for a clue.

And in return ...

I promise I'll behave

No more trouble, not a peep,

No more stale muffins or bottles

No more losing your sleep."

The sheriff waited for CG to finish

Walked her to her bed

Locked her in her room and disappeared

Not a word had he said.

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